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Thursday, August 5, 2010

ABC Science Updates: Lie down and be counted and you could win!

ABC Science Online Email Updates

05 August 2010

Welcome to the ABC Science Updates, find out what's happening in the world of science this week.

Top news stories of the week

Seven hours the magic number for sleep

Seven hours the magic number for sleep

People who sleep more or fewer than seven hours a day, including naps, are increasing their risk for cardiovascular disease, a US study shows.

Australian oceans most biologically diverse

Australian oceans most biologically diverse

Australia's waters have been ranked as being the most biologically diverse in the world, yet up to 80% of the species in it have yet to be discovered, a new study has shown.

Orangutans most energy efficient primate

Cat-like croc fossil discovered in Africa

Scientists decipher bacteria motor

What's new

Lie down and be counted!

Lie down and be counted!

Big Sleep Survey 2010 | Volunteer to do the Big Sleep Survey. Find out about your sleep habits and contribute to what could be the biggest scientific sleep survey ever!

Peak phosphorus fuels food fears

Peak phosphorus fuels food fears

Science feature | Phosphate fertilises our crops. But as the global population increases and rock phosphate reserves run out, the race is on to reduce our use or find alternative sources of phosphorus.

We are all mutants

We are all mutants

Bernie's Basics | Mutants aren't all three-eyed Hollywood freaks. Mutations happen in our cells every day, and without them life on Earth wouldn't have progressed beyond pond scum.

Killer asteroid coming our way

Killer asteroid coming our way

StarStuff Podcast | Five-hundred-metre-wide asteroid heading toward Earth. Plus: did the Big Bang happen?; solar tsunami ripples through space; and science roundup from across the twitter-verse.

Superficial scholarship sends 'Eskimo' myth snowballing

Superficial scholarship sends 'Eskimo' myth snowballing

Great Moments in Science | Laying claim to knowing everything about another people's culture can be hazardous. Dr Karl lifts the lid on the modern-day snow-job done on the Eskimo people's culture.

High high in the sky

High high in the sky

Dr Karl on triple j | What colour is the Sun? Plus: Do your eyes or brain make you colour-blind? Can someone parachuting break the sound barrier? How much light is lost when transmitting through fibre-optic cables?

ABC Health & Wellbeing

Do redheads feel pain differently?

Do redheads feel pain differently?

Tony Abbott's marathons might have taught him a thing or two about tolerating pain. But could Julia Gillard have her own secret weapon against the agonies of the 2010 federal election campaign trail?

ABC Environment

How zoos are saving our animals

How zoos are saving our animals

Think that zoos are anachronistic menageries which lock up animals purely for human entertainment? The truth is that good zoos are more important today than they've ever been before.

Catch up with ABC Radio and TV…

ABC audio media   General relativity and quantum mechanics - tying it all together with string theory

The Science Show | Amanda Peet explains the shortcomings of general relativity, how quantum mechanics provides answers where general relativity falls short, and how the whole situation is tied up by string theory.

ABC audio media   Moving plants and animals threatened by changing climate

The Science Show | As climates change around the world, habitats for some plants and animals are becoming unsuitable. Some ecologists are considering moving species across physical barriers to regions that are close to their habitat.

ABC audio media   Conifers back home in Tasmania

The Science Show | A Tasmanian researcher has been on a conifer rescue mission, travelling the world collecting their seeds and bringing them back for replanting in a land where they once thrived.

ABC audio media   Up the line to Goodna: patient rights and staff fights

All in the Mind | (Repeat) Part 3 of 3: The Office of the Patient's Friend was the first patient advocacy service to operate within the confines of an Australian psychiatric hospital. Part advocate, part whistle-blower, Nadia Beer has only recently retired from the role after 30 years.

ABC audio media   Walking the path together

Ockham's Razor | Dr Anthony Hillin makes a case for scientists and others who want to improve the wellbeing of Aboriginal people to undertake meaningful consultation with Aboriginal stakeholders.

ABC audio media   Calcium supplements

The Health Report |  Calcium supplements have been recommended for a long time to prevent osteoporosis. Research has now suggested that they may be associated with an increased risk of heart attacks.

ABC audio media   Prevention of weight gain in mothers with young children

The Health Report | Australian researchers from the Jean Hailes Foundation suggest that to prevent weight gain in mums of young kids it's better to engage them in a community support program than give them one-off dietary guidelines.

ABC audio media   2010 Reith lecture series: scientific horizons

Big Idea | Part two: Surviving The Century. Does science have the answers to help us save our planet?

ABC audio media   Soil fertility

Australia Talks | Food production has to double without using more water, more fertilisers and more land by 2050, if there is to be enough to feed the world. The answer is improved soil fertility. But how can Australia recover some poor and degraded soils by that deadline?

Listen to more science on Radio National

ABC video media   Eureka Prizes People's Choice Award finalists - part 1

Catalyst |  Meet the first three finalists in the running to become Australia's favourite scientist for 2010.

ABC video media   Eureka Prizes People's Choice Award finalists - part 2

Catalyst |  Meet the final three finalists in the running to become Australia's favourite scientist for 2010.

ABC video media   Skating on the edge: why are young men such reckless risk-takers?

Catalyst |  Most young men go through it - a time of feeling immortal - when the thrill of an adrenaline rush leads to reckless behaviour. But why would such behaviour evolve, when it's potentially harmful - even lethal?

ABC video media   Science yacht: purpose-built for Antarctic research

Catalyst |  Ships, planes, helicopters and snow tractors can take scientists to most parts of Antarctica's harsh environment, but not all. So the captain of Australia's icebreaker, the Aurora Australis, is designing a new kind of craft that will allow researchers to visit some of Antarctica's most inhospitable places.

Watch more Catalyst stories

ABC audio media   Electricity Delivery Trike

Innovations |  A Tasmanian designer has invented an electric three-wheeler that could revolutionise mail delivery.

Listen online or subscribe to Radio Australia podcasts

Coming up…

The Science Show

The Science Show

Saturday 7 August, 12.05 pm, Radio National

Science on fire | Scientists want more from the Royal Commission Report on the fires in Victoria, believing too much evidence has been restricted because of legal requirements connected with ongoing criminal cases.

See full Radio National guide



Thursday 12 August, 8.00 pm, ABC 1

Born again batteries | Batteries don't deliver power or recharge quickly and they have a limited lifetime. So how do we make batteries better? Tanya Ha discovers the battery powering the devices of the future may not be a battery at all.

See full ABC TV guide

In the Sky this Week with Ian Musgrave

Thursday August 5 to Thursday August 12

The New Moon is Tuesday August 10. Four of the five classic planets are visible together in the early evening sky forming interesting patterns. Venus is close to Mars and Saturn with Venus and Saturn coming side by side on the 8th. Mercury is prominent below these planets and is close to the crescent Moon on the 12th. Jupiter is now in the evening sky.


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