The world is not as it seems. Illusions provide a mind-boggling window into how our brain plays with our sense of reality. | | | |
 A teenage hunter-gatherer's DNA is revealing clues about early human migration through South-East Asia. | | | | |  It's surprisingly common that people don't know what music makes them feel good. | | | | | | | |
 Imagine boarding a train or ducking into a cafe where your mobile phone will automatically charge itself without cables. | | | | |  Depending on who you talk to, the metaverse is either a utopia or a dystopia. But what even is it? | | | | | | | |
 Native bees make honey containing trehalulose — a rare healthy sugar. But were they creating it or finding it? | | | | |  Delirium and PTSD are two common symptoms of ICU stays. Researchers are working to change that. | | | | | | | | |
 An unconventional relationship in a world on the cusp of change; an ambitious reporter and a notoriously "difficult" star newsreader join forces to survive in the high-octane world of a 1986 newsroom. | | | | | |
 ECT has a chequered history. In this All in the Mind, we delve into benefits vs side effects of this treatment. | | | | |  The Science Show celebrates 46 years with Douglas Adams, a pit full of snakes and a memory from the very start. | | | | | | | | |
The New Moon is Tuesday, September 7. Venus is readily visible in the evening sky. Mercury continues to rise in the twilight. Mercury, Venus and the bright star Spica from a line in the late evening twilight. Venus is close to Spica on the 5th and 6th and Mercury is close to the thin crescent Moon on the 9th. Saturn and Jupiter are visible in the evening sky with Jupiter dominating once Venus has set. Venus is seen in the west and Jupiter in the east when the sky is fully dark. | | | | |
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