When a whale dies, it becomes a floating buffet for all sorts of creatures — and scientists. | | | |
 How a tiny bird got chased down by the world's slowest predator. | | | | |  Anu has had chronic pain for decades, and has signed up to see if 'lifestyle medicine' can help. | | | | | | | |
 Near-perfect forgeries of the federal government's COVID-19 vaccine digital certificate can be made in 10 minutes. | | | | |  There is growing concern about the risk of household rat poisons to wildlife like owls. | | | | | | | |
 Bats pick up their vocal skills through babbling — and it could tell us more about how human language evolved. | | | | |  Scientists have identified the frogs most likely to become extinct in the next 20 years if more isn't done to save them. | | | | | | | | |
 An unconventional relationship in a world on the cusp of change; an ambitious reporter and a notoriously "difficult" star newsreader join forces to survive in the high-octane world of a 1986 newsroom. | | | | | |
 The annual Beaker Street Science Festival debate on Science Friction features Bob Brown, Barbara Holland and more, with a touch of vaudeville. | | | | |  Can you tell someone is sick just by looking at them? It turns out many of us can. Dr Karl investigates in this Great Moment in Science. | | | | | | | | |
The Last Quarter Moon is Monday, August 30. Venus is readily visible in the evening twilight. Mercury continues to rise in the twilight. Mercury, Venus and the bright star Spica from a line in the late evening twilight. Saturn and Jupiter are visible in the evening sky. Venus is seen in the west and Jupiter in the east when the sky is fully dark. | | | | |
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