The Science Show | Radiolab, from WNYC in New York City, looks at the role chance and randomness play in sport, gambling, and even the cells in our own body. All in the Mind | HM, the most famous patient in 20th century neuroscience, lived in a state of permanent amnesia following brain surgery. HM's brain, which was dissected after his death, continues to offer remarkable insights into the machinations of human memory. Ockham's Razor | Melbourne author Andrew Herrick talks about the fact that most of us are obsessed with anything new on the market, can't wait to buy the latest gizmo and are only too ready to discard anything that's old. The Health Report | (Repeat) Eminent Indian paediatrician and public health physician Binayak Sen spent two years in jail. His only crime may have been that he spoke up too loudly for the 400 million Indians who live in famine and, in particular, the Indigenous community being thrown off their land for mining interests. RN Breakfast | It sounds like science fiction, but a group of researchers in the US have successfully regrown a functioning lung. Scientists believe the technique could be used to provide genetically compatible lungs for people who have severe respiratory diseases.
Catalyst | The trap jaw ant has a whopping set of mandibles for catching prey. But it also uses its mandibles to trigger an amazing defensive high jump. Catalyst | Australian scientists have created one of the most comprehensive ocean weather forecasting systems in the world. Called BLUElink, the software can forecast ocean temperatures, salinity, sea level, and velocities all the way from the surface, right down to the sea floor. Catalyst | Man-made sea walls are a familiar, and increasingly essential feature on the urbanised coast, but they come at a cost to marine creatures and intertidal habitats. Dr Mark Browne has come up with a simple, yet effective, solution to the problem.
Innovations | A Melbourne designer has developed a helmet that fits a cyclist's head perfectly to help prevent head injuries and provide protection.