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for Monday, June 28, 2010
Welcome to another edition of ScienceDaily's.Scientists grow new lungs using 'skeletons' of old ones (June 28, 2010) -- Tissue engineers' progress toward growing new lungs for transplantation or research has long been frustrated by the problem of coaxing stem cells to develop into the varied cell types that populate different locations in the lung. Now, researchers have found a possible solution by seeding mouse embryonic stem cells into "acellular" rat lungs -- organs whose original cells have been destroyed, leaving behind empty, lung-shaped scaffolds of structural proteins. ... > full story
Gestational diabetes linked to serotonin and dietary protein (June 28, 2010) -- The cause of diabetes during pregnancy is directly controlled by serotonin, a chemical produced by the body and normally known as a neurotransmitter, and is influenced by the amount of protein in the mother's diet early in pregnancy, according to new findings. ... > full story
Sea ice in the Arctic not recovering: Another critical minimum forecast (June 28, 2010) -- A critical minimum for Arctic sea ice can again be expected for late summer 2010, according to new projections by researchers in Germany. ... > full story
Same types of cell respond differently to stimulus, study shows (June 28, 2010) -- Using new technology that allows scientists to monitor how individual cells react in the complex system of cell signaling, researchers have uncovered a much larger spectrum of differences between each cell than ever seen before. ... > full story
Carbon sequestration: Boon or burden? (June 28, 2010) -- The idea to sequester carbon is gaining support as a way to avoid global warming. For example, the European Union plans to invest billions of Euros to develop carbon capture and storage whereby carbon dioxide will be extracted and stored underground. But how effective is this procedure and what are the long-term consequences of leakage for the climate? Research has now cast light on these issues. ... > full story
Healthier cafeteria food, more intense gym classes lower students' diabetes risk (June 28, 2010) -- Healthier cafeteria choices, longer and more intense periods of physical activity and robust in-school education programs can lower rates of obesity and other risk factors for type 2 diabetes, according to a national US study. ... > full story
Improved telescope sees through atmosphere with pinpoint sharpness (June 28, 2010) -- A sharp view of the starry sky is difficult, because the atmosphere constantly distorts the image. A Dutch researcher has developed a new type of telescope mirror, which quickly corrects the image. His prototypes are required for future large telescopes, but also gives old telescopes a sharper view. ... > full story
Antioxidants may help prevent malaria complicaton that leads to learning impairment (June 28, 2010) -- Using an experimental mouse model for malaria, scientists have discovered that adding antioxidant therapy to traditional antimalarial treatment may prevent long-lasting cognitive impairment in cerebral malaria. ... > full story
Tropical biodiversity is about the neighbors (June 28, 2010) -- Rare plant species are much more negatively affected by the presence of their own species as neighbors than are common species. This may explain how biodiversity arises and is maintained. ... > full story
Traditional neurologic exams inadequate for predicting survival of cardiac arrest patients (June 28, 2010) -- Traditional methods for assessing patients after cardiac arrest may be underestimating their chances for survival and good outcomes, according to a new study. ... > full story
Nanowires for future electronics: Process for manufacturing nanoelectronic 'mini-circuits' developed (June 28, 2010) -- The tale begins with a feasibility study on the manufacture of colored fluorescing thin films for optical safety applications. A project on the development of novel gas sensors followed. In the meantime, researchers have successfully synthesized complex organic nanowires and managed to attach them together with electrically conducting links -- the first step towards the future production of electronic and optoelectronic components. ... > full story
Psychotropic medications can cause birth defects, study finds (June 27, 2010) -- The use of psychotropic medications during pregnancy increases the probability of birth defects, according to a new study. Researchers have documented the serious side effects that can be associated with these types of medications. ... > full story
Targeting flight-or-fight hormone response to combat heart failure (June 27, 2010) -- Scientists found that two experimental drugs have the potential to restore pumping strength to failing hearts by ensuring adrenalin's ability to drive heartbeat strength is maintained, and not thwarted, as it typically is in heart failure patients. When tested in human-like mouse models of heart failure, the therapies were found to slow, and in some cases halt, the progression of the disease. ... > full story
Scientific expertise lacking among 'doubters' of climate change, says new analysis (June 27, 2010) -- An analysis of the scientific prominence and expertise of climate researchers shows that the few who are unconvinced of human-caused climate change rank far below researchers who are convinced. Most news media accounts fail to include that context when reporting claims from the doubters. ... > full story
Higher cancer rates found in liver transplant patients receiving cyclosporine for immunosuppression (June 27, 2010) -- Researchers have found that cyclosporine treatment is a significant risk factor for the development of de novo cancer in liver transplant patients. ... > full story
Agriculture's next revolution -- perennial grain -- within sight (June 27, 2010) -- Earth-friendly perennial grain crops, which grow with less fertilizer, herbicide, fuel, and erosion than grains planted annually, could be available in two decades, according to researchers. Perennial grains would be one of the largest innovations in the 10,000 year history of agriculture, and could arrive even sooner with the right breeding programs. ... > full story
Tool manipulation is represented similarly in the brains of the blind and the sighted (June 27, 2010) -- Blind people think about manipulating tools in the same regions of the brain as do people who can see, according to a new study. The researchers say this adds to evidence that the brain has a fairly defined organization, while still being able to adapt to unusual conditions, such as not having any vision. ... > full story
Global wind shifts may have ushered in warmer climate at end of last ice age (June 27, 2010) -- Scientists still puzzle over how Earth emerged from its last ice age, an event that ushered in a warmer climate and the birth of human civilization. Most scientists say that the trigger, at least initially, was an orbital shift that caused more sunlight to fall across Earth's northern half. But how did the south warm up so fast? ... > full story
Early and aggressive arthritis treatment recommended, based on results of 11-year trial (June 27, 2010) -- Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs should be used early and aggressively at the first sign of rheumatoid arthritis. The results of an 11-year trial demonstrate that active treatment from the very beginning pays off, even in the long run. ... > full story
Quantifying human behavior one MoCap data point at a time (June 27, 2010) -- Two actors wrapped in motion sensors circle each other, as engineering researchers stand at the perimeter of a laboratory, taking note. It's an unusual partnership between artists and engineers, a union expected to provide researchers with more precise methods of modeling human behavior. ... > full story
Profiling prostate cancer (June 27, 2010) -- A large scale genetic analysis of multiple prostate cancer samples is providing exciting new insight into the disease and may lead to more effective treatment strategies. In addition, the freely available genetic and clinical outcome data obtained in the study represents a valuable public resource for the cancer research community. ... > full story
Messenger RNAs are regulated in far more ways than previously appreciated (June 27, 2010) -- One way of regulating protein levels in cells is to shorten the lifespan of messenger RNAs (mRNAs), intermediary molecules that get translated into proteins. Researchers have now discovered that mRNAs can be targeted for destruction by several modes and molecules, highlighting a previously unanticipated complexity in the control and regulation of the cell's genetic messages. ... > full story
Friendships, family relationships get better with age thanks to forgiveness, stereotypes (June 27, 2010) -- Part of what makes those relationships so golden during the golden years is that people of all ages are more likely to forgive and respect one's elders, according to new research. ... > full story
New clues suggest wet era on early Mars was global (June 26, 2010) -- Minerals in northern Mars craters seen by two orbiters suggest that a phase in Mars' early history with conditions favorable to life occurred globally, not just in the south. ... > full story
Mechanism that may trigger degenerative disease identified (June 26, 2010) -- A mechanism that regulates stem-cell differentiation in mice testes suggests a similar process that may trigger degenerative disease in humans, according to a reproductive physiologist. ... > full story
Chemists find an easier way to synthesize new drug candidates; New method could have a big impact on pharmaceutical business (June 26, 2010) -- Chemists have designed a new way to attach a trifluoromethyl group to certain compounds, which they believe could allow pharmaceutical companies to create and test new drugs much faster and potentially reduce the cost of drug discovery. The new synthesis could have an immediate impact. ... > full story
Novel radiotracer shines new light on the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients (June 26, 2010) -- A trial of a novel radioactive compound readily and safely distinguished the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients from healthy volunteers on brain scans and opens the doors to making such imaging available beyond facilities that can manufacture their own radioactive compounds. ... > full story
Climate change complicates plant diseases of the future (June 26, 2010) -- Human-driven changes in the earth's atmospheric composition are likely to alter plant diseases of the future. Researchers are studying the impact of elevated carbon dioxide, elevated ozone and higher atmospheric temperatures on plant diseases that could challenge crops in these changing conditions. ... > full story
Pleasing to the eye: Even brooding female birds are sensitive to visual stimulation (June 26, 2010) -- In a breeding experiment with Houbara bustards -- a North African bird species with a very distinctive courtship behavior -- scientists have concluded that visual stimulation from attractive males of the same species positively affects brooding females, improving offspring growth. ... > full story
Scientists create 3-D models of whole mouse organs (June 26, 2010) -- Engineers have for the first time created 3-D models of whole intact mouse organs, a feat they accomplished using fluorescence microscopy. ... > full story
Ingredient in red wine may prevent some blinding diseases (June 26, 2010) -- Resveratrol -- found in red wine, grapes, blueberries, peanuts and other plants -- stops out-of-control blood vessel growth in the eye, according to vision researchers. The discovery has implications for preserving vision in blinding eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in Americans over 50. ... > full story
Gene therapy a step closer to mass production (June 26, 2010) -- Researchers in Latvia and Finland have synthesized and studied a range of organic compounds able to carry genetic material into individual cells where it can remedy the diseases caused by defective genes. Still under development, these compounds are much more readily produced than the viral carriers now in use and avoid their side-effects. Most importantly, they are much more effective than other organic carrier substances developed so far. ... > full story
Detecting eye injury (June 26, 2010) -- Scientists have developed a noninvasive imaging technique to detect early stages of eye disease. ... > full story
Aggressive action to reduce soot emissions needed to meet climate change goals, experts say (June 26, 2010) -- Without aggressive action to reduce soot emissions, the time table for carbon dioxide emission reductions may need to be significantly accelerated in order to achieve international climate policy goals such as those set forth in last December's Copenhagen Accord, according to a new study. ... > full story
Study identifies couples’ underlying concerns during a fight (June 26, 2010) -- A new study has found that there are two fundamental underlying concerns when partners in a committed relationship fight. Researchers have identified the first type of underlying concern as perceived threat, which involves a perception that one's partner is being hostile, critical, blaming or controlling. The second type of concern is called perceived neglect, which involves a perception that one's partner is failing to make a desired contribution or failing to demonstrate an ideal level of commitment or investment in the relationship. ... > full story
Galaxy encounter fires up quasar (June 25, 2010) -- Using two of the world's largest telescopes, astronomers have found evidence of a collision between galaxies driving intense activity in a highly luminous quasar. The scientists used the Very Large Telescope in Chile and the Gran Telescopio Canarias on La Palma in the Canary Islands, to study activity from the quasar SDSS J0123+00. ... > full story
Virus works with gene to cause Crohn's-like illness (June 25, 2010) -- Scientists have shown that a specific virus can interact with a mutation in the host's genes to trigger disease. The observation may help explain why many people with disease risk genes do not actually develop disease. ... > full story
Four-leaf clover gives up its secrets (June 25, 2010) -- Ending a period of "bad luck" for clover researchers, scientists report finding the gene that turns ordinary three-leaf clovers into the coveted four-leaf types. Masked by the three-leaf gene and strongly influenced by environmental condition, molecular markers now make it possible to detect the presence of the gene for four-leaves and for breeders to work with it. ... > full story
Silencing hepatitis B virus prevents recurrence of liver cancer (June 25, 2010) -- Previous studies have shown that antiviral treatment reduces the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in patients with chronic hepatitis B. But now, researchers are reporting that the antiviral therapy also prevents recurrence of HCC and extends patients' lives. ... > full story
Ecological change in the abyss: The Amperima event (June 25, 2010) -- Even in the dark abyss of the deep ocean animal communities can undergo rapid, widespread and radical changes. Scientists are monitoring these changes and understanding the mechanisms responsible. ... > full story
Tactile sensations influence social judgments and decisions (June 25, 2010) -- Psychologists report that interpersonal interactions can be shaped, profoundly yet unconsciously, by the physical attributes of incidental objects: Resumes reviewed on a heavy clipboard are judged to be more substantive, while a negotiator seated in a soft chair is less likely to drive a hard bargain. The work suggests physical touch -- the first of our senses to develop -- may continue throughout life as a scaffold upon which we build our social judgments and decisions. ... > full story
More variation in human genome than expected: Surprisingly common transposons or 'jumping genes' are known to cause disease (June 25, 2010) -- Scientists are finding more variation in the human genome than they had expected, according to new research. The study is one of the first to take an in-depth look at transposons, segments of DNA that can replicate themselves and move to new sites in each individual's genome. The researchers found that new occurrences of transposons were surprisingly prevalent in human and in lung cancer genomes. ... > full story
Small amount of common preservative increases toxins from harmful bacteria in food, study finds (June 25, 2010) -- In response to consumer demand for more natural food, the food industry has reduced the amount of preservatives in food over recent years. A common preservative is acetic acid, which is used to stop bacterial growth in dressings, sauces, cheese and pickles. However, new research shows that a small amount of acetic acid does not have the intended effect, but rather the opposite -- it increases the amount of toxin from the harmful bacteria in the food. ... > full story
NASA radar images show how Mexico quake deformed Earth (June 25, 2010) -- Minerals in northern Mars craters seen by two orbiters suggest that a phase in Mars' early history with conditions favorable to life occurred globally, not just in the south. ... > full story
Mysterious cilium functions as cellular communication hub, study shows (June 25, 2010) -- Researchers have pinpointed the molecular cause of a rare genetic disease in humans called Bardet-Biedl syndrome, or BBS. People with the disorder suffer from obesity, retinal degeneration, kidney cysts and polydactyly (having extra fingers or toes). Specifically, the researchers have discovered that genetic mutations associated with the disease affect a protein complex that ferries receptors and other proteins from the cell's membrane to the surface of the primary cilium. ... > full story
Biomedical scientist concerned about effects of oil spill on human health (June 25, 2010) -- A biomedical researcher says that some of the same chemicals found in diesel fumes and cigarette smoke are also found in the tar balls produced as a result of the oil spill, and he is worried about the effect they will have on the health of clean-up workers and wildlife. ... > full story
Most concussions deliver 95 g's, neuropsychologist says (June 25, 2010) -- A head injury expert says that most concussions deliver 95 g's to the human body upon impact. G-force is a unit of force equal to the force exerted by gravity. In addition, the average football player receives 103 g's when hit during a game. In comparison, the average g-force experienced by military fighter pilots is nine g's. ... > full story
New 'fix' for cosmic clocks could help uncover ripples in space-time (June 25, 2010) -- An international team of scientists have developed a promising new technique which could turn pulsars -- superb natural cosmic clocks -- into even more accurate time-keepers. This important advance could improve the search for gravitational waves and help studies into the origins of the universe. ... > full story
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