ScienceDaily Environment Headlines
for the Week of June 20 to June 27, 2010
Welcome to another edition of ScienceDaily's newsletter.Posted 2010-06-26:
- Mechanism that may trigger degenerative disease identified
- Climate change complicates plant diseases of the future
- Pleasing to the eye: Even brooding female birds are sensitive to visual stimulation
- Scientists create 3-D models of whole mouse organs
- Aggressive action to reduce soot emissions needed to meet climate change goals, experts say
- Virus works with gene to cause Crohn's-like illness
- Four-leaf clover gives up its secrets
- Ecological change in the abyss: The Amperima event
- Small amount of common preservative increases toxins from harmful bacteria in food, study finds
- NASA radar images show how Mexico quake deformed Earth
- Biomedical scientist concerned about effects of oil spill on human health
- Freshwater fish eyes: Great home for parasites
- Sight restored to mice afflicted with retinitis pigmentosa
- Earth-like planets may be ready for their close-up
- Adios El Niño, hello La Niña?
- Behavior breakthrough: Like animals, plants demonstrate complex ability to integrate information
- Higher wetland methane emissions caused by climate warming 40,000 years ago
- Researcher develops green, bio-based process for producing fuel additive
- Scientists implant regenerated lung tissue in rats
- Was Venus once a habitable planet?
- Connecting the dots: How light receptors get their message across
- How embryos fight retroviral infection
- Moldy homes a serious risk for severe asthma attacks in some
- Babies' first bacteria depend on birthing method, says new study
- Analyzing food and beverages with magnetic levitation
- Gut bacteria could be key indicator of colon cancer risk
- Language of RNA decoded: Study reveals new function for pseudogenes and noncoding RNAs
- New method of peptide synthesis makes it easier to create drugs based on natural compounds
- Evolution of bird bills: Birds reduce their 'heating bills' in cold climates
- Skins prone to sunburn may be capable of a normal tan
- Studies confirm presence, severity of pollution in US national parks
- Discovery of how coral reefs adapt to global warming could aid reef restoration
- Polio research gives new insight into tackling vaccine-derived poliovirus
- New areas prone to moderate earthquakes identified in Iberian Peninsula
- Abusive mothering aggravates the impact of stress hormones
- Brave brains: Neural mechanisms of courage uncovered in study of fear of snakes
- Underwater gliders may change how scientists track fish
- New medical weapons to protect against anthrax attacks
- Separation between Neanderthal and Homo sapiens might have occurred 500,000 years earlier, DNA from teeth suggests
- New vaccine strategies could safely control Rift Valley fever
- Chicken litter has advantages over conventional fertilizers
- Humans have a mighty bite, new research shows
- High levels of fructose, trans fats lead to significant liver disease, says study
- Striped mice -- the neighbors from hell
- Organic pesticides not always 'greener' choice, study finds
- Impacts of Chilean salmon farms on coastal ecosystem discovered accidentally
- Coffee may protect against head and neck cancers
- No link between early childhood cancers and living near mobile phone base station during pregnancy, says study
- Peruvian moth could devastate California’s avocados, entomologist warns
- Enzyme trio for biosynthesis of hydrocarbon fuels
- American scientists help protect Guatemala's Lake Atitlan from harmful algae blooms
- Insight into cells could lead to new approach to medicines
- Unusual rhino beetle behavior discovered: Invasive species severely impact small islands
- Lemurs lose weight with 'life-extending' supplement resveratrol
- Competition puts the brakes on body evolution in island lizards
- Citizen science: Birders contribute valuable data on invasive plant species
- World's first plastic antibodies in live organisms: Stop spread of bee venom in mice
- Bacteria in the nose and throat: Most comprehensive comparative analysis
- Chimpanzee gangs kill for land, new study shows
- More than skin deep, tanning product of sun's rays
- Harmful bacteria carried by pigeons
- Gender-bending fish problem in Colorado creek mitigated by treatment plant upgrade
- Agricultural scientists take a long look at livestock and locoweed
- Of lice and man: Researchers sequence human body louse genome
- Ocean stirring and plankton patchiness revealed by computer simulation
- Building to withstand hurricanes
- New air conditioning system has potential to slash energy usage by up to 90 percent
- Could grasslands help fight global warming? Scientists dig deep for carbon solution
- Oceanographers call for more ocean observing in Antarctica
- Genome sequence may lead to better methods to target lice
- Sequencing of the human body louse genome: Important step toward control of disease-vector insect
- New link between pollution, temperature and sleep-disordered breathing
- Scientists call for a new strategy for polar ocean observation
- Ultimate cold case: Anthropologist 'bones up' on site of ancient invasion
- Alternative pathway to malaria infection identified
- Greenhouse gase increases linked to changes in ocean currents
- 3.6 million-year-old relative of 'Lucy' discovered: Early hominid skeleton confirms human-like walking is ancient
- Damselfish 'gardeners' selectively weed algal gardens
- Many people with diabetes do not know or heed dangers of hot weather
- Super-complex organic molecules found in interstellar space
- Flame retardant linked to altered thyroid hormone levels during pregnancy
- Gene therapy reverses type 1 diabetes in mice, experimental technique shows
- Oral bacteria may offer probiotic potential against upper respiratory infections
- Polar oceans key to temperature in the tropics
- New research sheds light on Antarctica's melting Pine Island Glacier
- Physical model describes structures of viral capsids
- Battle of the bugs leaves humans as collateral damage
- Comprehensive look at human impacts on ocean chemistry
- Canyon carved in just three days in Texas flood: Insight into ancient flood events on Earth and Mars
- Caribbean coral reef protection efforts miss the mark, research suggests
- In pursuit of the energy of life: Researchers decipher makeup of generators in cellular power plants
- Understanding genetic mixing through migration: A tool for clinicians as well as geneaologists
- Living fast and dangerously: Hormones influence the 'pace of life' of songbirds
- Understanding robustness in organisms -- a potential weapon against infectious diseases
- LCD television waste could help prevent bacterial infections
- Songbirds learn their songs during sleep
- Deadly effect of arsenic in drinking water measured in Bangladesh study
- Retooling the ocean conveyor belt
- Physicists help biologists to understand protein folding
- Ocean changes may have dire impact on people
- Coffee or tea: Enjoy both in moderation for heart benefits, Dutch study suggests
- How DNA is copied onto RNA revealed through three-dimensional transcription film
- Fly cells flock together, follow the light
- Constraining the reign of ancient Egypt: Radiocarbon dating helps to nail down the chronology of kings, researchers say
- Afghanistan's rich mineral deposits: Aerogeophysical survey provides promising prospects of economic development
- Gut-residing bacteria trigger arthritis in genetically susceptible individuals
- Experimental Marburg vaccine prevents disease two days after infection
- Fuzzy logic predicts cell aging
- Illegal bushmeat trade rife in Europe, research finds
- New process is promising for hydrogen fuel cell cars
- Probiotic therapy cuts risk of ventilator-associated pneumonia in half for some in ICU, study finds
- Scientists watch as bacteria evolve heat resistance under stress: New details of evolutionary mechanism
- Highly efficient solar cells could result from quantum dot research
- Wild sharks, redfish harbor antibiotic-resistant bacteria
- Action of modern drug demonstrates how two ancient human systems interact
- Gulf oil spill: Mississippi River hydrology may help reduce oil onshore
- Malaria threat is as old as humanity, new research shows
- Sleeping sickness study offers insight into human cells
- Climate change threatens food supply of 60 million people in Asia
- Blueberry ameliorates hepatic fibrosis, study finds
- WHO guidelines on Buruli ulcer need adjustment, experts say
- Carbon dioxide is the missing link to past global climate changes
- 110-foot concrete bridge withstands 8.0 earthquake simulation
- Storing carbon dioxide deep underground in rock form
- Brain comes hard-wired with working navigational neurons, rat study suggests
- Sense of direction in newborn rat brains is innate, scientists discover
- As the Sun awakens, NASA keeps a wary eye on space weather
- Research will help submariners breathe more easily
- Puffing in public housing poses serious health risks to tenants, report says
- Signal like you mean it: Orangutan gestures carry specific intentional meanings, study finds
- NOAA ship Thomas Jefferson continues Deepwater Horizon spill study mission
- Certain proteins extend life span in worms by 30 percent
- Hints from Taiwan that free-range eggs may be less healthy than regular eggs
- Detection of MRSA in cystic fibrosis patients associated with shorter survival
- NOAA, FDA continue ramping up efforts to ensure safety of Gulf of Mexico seafood
- Dinosaur-chewing mammals leave behind oldest known tooth marks
- Towards nanowire solar cells with a 65-percent efficiency
- New world Helicobacter pylori genome sequenced, dynamics of inflammation-related genes revealed
- Questioning the effectiveness of oil dispersants in Gulf oil spill
- Volcanic emissions used to study Earth’s atmospheric past
- Incidence of malaria jumps when Amazon forests are cut, study finds
- May 2010 global temperature is warmest on record; Spring and January-May also post record breaking temps
- Afghanistan’s Kabul Basin faces major water challenges
- Understanding critical nucleus in haze formation
- USGS science helps disaster-struck communities understand flash flooding
- New combination effective against pancreatic cancer: Substance in broccoli supports cancer therapy, study finds
- In deserts, which dunes are the most stable?
- Tequila and cheese offer lessons for rural economies in developing world
- Women who choose boiled coffee run lower risk of breast cancer, Swedish study finds
- Rosewood trees face extinction amid Madagascar's chaos
- Some people do not taste salt like others
- Mediterranean-style diet improves heart function, twin study shows
- Two new frog species discovered in Panama's fungal war zone
- New system using bacterial communities to solve complex problems
- World's oldest fig wasp fossil proves that if it works, don't change it
- Gene discovery potential key to cost-competitive cellulosic ethanol
- Crayfish brain may offer rare insight into human decision making
- Patchwork-like image of developing zebrafish sensory organ
- Carnivorous mammals track fruit abundance
- Thunderstone mystery: What's a Stone Age axe doing in an Iron Age tomb?
- Protein's role in cell division uncovered
- Apple juice improves behavior but not cognition in Alzheimer's patients, study finds
- Altered virus becomes medicine
- Biomolecular modeling: Scientists discover 'breakwater' to help control electron transfer
- GPS not just for driving: Tool for crowd management and medical follow-up
- Federal agencies introduce online mapping tool to track Gulf response
- Analysis of atmosphere in Phoenix, Arizona, suggests new model for sound urban growth policies
- Consumer responses to Gulf oil spill reflect Americans' changing corporate expectations
- Climate change increases hazard risk in alpine regions, study shows
- Another step closer to fully sequencing the salmon genome
- How bacteria boost the immune system
- GOES-15 solar X-Ray Imager makes a miraculous first light
- Super-yeast generates ethanol from energy crops and agricultural residues
- Origin of life: Adding UV light helps form 'Missing G' of RNA building blocks
- 2009 H1N1 vaccine protects against 1918 influenza virus; Cross-protection helps alleviate bioterrorism concerns
- Leaded gasoline predominant source of lead exposure in latter 20th century
- Mysterious clouds produced when aircraft inadvertently cause rain or snow
- Day 57: Updated figures show oil from spill could have powered 68,000 cars for year
- More cold and snowy winters to come in Europe, eastern Asia and eastern North America
- Warm-blooded marine reptiles at the time of the dinosaurs
- First detailed national map of land-cover vegetation in U.S. released
- Yellow fever vaccine modified to fight malaria
- Telomeres: Size matters when it comes to DNA
- Success with 'cisgenics' in forestry offers new tools for biotechnology
- No sex please, we’re rotifers: Tiny aquatic animals can clone themselves using progesterone
- FDA should adopt risk-based approach to food safety, report recommends
- Fern's evolution gives arsenic tolerance that may clean toxic land
- Replacing white rice with brown rice or other whole grains may reduce diabetes risk
- Getting to the root of nutrient sensing
- High-yield agriculture slows pace of global warming, say researchers
- How bacteria make syringes: Scientists reconstruct a bacterial transport channel in a test tube
- Flower power: Marking winners and losers
- Genes and pesticide exposure interact to increase men's risk for Parkinson's disease
- NASA demonstrates tsunami prediction system
- Does pasture irrigation increase groundwater contamination? Research finds little to no transport of microbes from cow pastures into groundwater
- Scientists locate 23-mile long oil plume off Florida's Gulf Coast
- First cloned horse using oocytes from a live mare
- 3-D models of BP oil spill in Gulf of Mexico made using ranger supercomputer
- Brand preference may be in the drink, not in the head, vodka study shows
- Self-defense strategies of moss
- Pathogens chase down migrating gypsy moths, making control efforts unnecessary, researcher reports
- Pumping up the heat for a climate-friendly future
- Rapid changes for Arctic flora and fauna
- Liposome-hydrogel hybrids: No toil, no trouble for stronger bubbles
- Cycad plant depends on insect for multiple services; Moth also triggers the plants into increased frequency of reproduction
- New online map shows network of protection for North America's marine ecosystems
- New species of large blue butterfly discovered
- New microbial genetic system dissects biomass to biofuel conversion
- Harbor seals' whiskers as good at detecting fish as echolocating dolphins, researchers find
- How the wrong genes are repressed
- Monoclonal antibodies: Short-term therapy for long-term treatment of chronic viral infections?
- Tiny insect brains capable of huge feats
- Flu's evolution strategy strikes perfect balance
- Hot spots where heatwaves could pose greater health risk
- Nuclear pores call on different assembly mechanisms at different cell cycle stages
- New strain of bacteria discovered that could aid in oil spill, other environmental cleanup
- With fungi on their side, rice plants grow to be big
- Plastic antibody works in first tests in living animals
- New type of human stem cell may be easier to manipulate
- 'Instant acid' method offers new insight into nanoparticle dispersal in the environment and the body
- Bacteria converted into ‘mini-factories’ for biofuels and vaccines
- Polyphenols in red wine and green tea halt prostate cancer growth, study suggests
- Microbes reprogrammed to ooze oil for renewable biofuel
- Freezing 'to death' and living to tell about it: Study reveals how suspended animation protects against lethal hypothermia
- Fresh findings about chickenpox could lead to better blood tests
- Gamma interferon a wake-up call for stem cell response to infection
- Insight into structure of HIV protein could aid drug design
- Rare lady beetles prefer traditional diet
- Predicting amount of oil in contaminated soils: Scientists develop faster method for testing soils around oil spills
- New boreal forest biomass maps produced from radar satellite data
- Sharks can really sniff out their prey, and this is how they do it
- Absence of organic compounds on surface of Mars explained by new theory
- Model explains rapid transition toward division of labor in biological evolution
- Collagen manufactured from transgenic tobacco plants
- Biologists isolate genes that regulate the sleep-feeding conflict: New insights into how brain chooses between critical survival behaviors
- Waste steel in the Gulf of Mexico
- World's oldest leather shoe found in Armenia
- New evidence that drinking coffee may reduce the risk of diabetes
- Oil from Gulf spill could have powered 38,000 cars (and more) for a year, researcher says
- A cooler Pacific may have severely affected medieval Europe, North America
- Crocodile and hippopotamus served as 'brain food' for early human ancestors
- Tracking coral larvae to understand Hawai'i reef health
- Genetic 'parts' list now available for hypothalamus -- key part of the mammalian brain
- Subsurface oil from Deepwater Horizon spill in Gulf of Mexico, say researchers
- Dolphins use diplomacy in their communication, biologists find
- X-ray diffraction microscope reveals 3-D internal structure of whole cell
- Artificial aurora created to help predict space weather
- Self-healing air mattresses based on plant wound healing?
- Genetic secrets that allow Tibetans to thrive in thin air discovered
- 'Nanocoax' solves solar cell 'thick and thin' dilemma
- Molecular link between diabetes and schizophrenia connects food and mood
- Follow the money: Wealth, population are key drivers of invasive species
- Climate change linked to major vegetation shifts worldwide
- New use for old drugs in treating hepatitis C
- Large majority of Americans still believe in global warming, Stanford poll finds
- New parasite could be late summer beach pest
- Changing young people's eating habits
- European Space Agency makes first GOCE dataset available
- Agriculture, food production among worst environmental offenders, report finds
- Some like it hot: Site of human evolution was scorching
- Harnessing the immune system's diagnostic power
- Polymer-based filter successfully cleans water, recovers oil in Gulf of Mexico test
- Crocodiles ride ocean currents for ocean travel
- New yeast can ferment more sugar, make more cellulosic ethanol
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