| Jupiter's puzzling auroras | | | | | Jupiter's mysterious x-ray auroras have puzzled scientists for decades. Now they may know how they are created. | | | |
 What causes common reactions to a vaccine such as fever and headache, and is there anything you can do to prevent them? | | | | |  Nobel laureate Peter Doherty shares his insights into why the pandemic has provided a steep learning curve for him. | | | | | | | |
 Scientists discover an ancient star formed from an explosion 10 times more powerful than a supernova. | | | | |  The discovery of four "young, really energetic" planets could provide new insights into how Earth evolved. | | | | | | | |
 Wayne Lawler established Australia's first environmental photo library capturing images of our rarest and most threatened species. | | | | |  A Belgian digital artist has invented a bot to automatically detect MPs who are on their phones during parliament. | | | | | | | | |
 | Your Mental Health Newsletter | | Sign up to the ABC's Your Mental Health newsletter for personal stories and expert perspectives that can help you feel connected, inspired and supported. | | | | | |
 Can you really eat or drink your way to smoother skin? Will the molecules magically make their way to the wrinkles on your face? Dr Karl finds out. | | | | |  If invertebrates make up over 90 per cent of animals on earth, why do they receive so little conservation funding? Off Track investigates. | | | | | | | | |
The First Quarter Moon is Saturday 17 July. Mercury lowering in the morning sky. Venus is readily visible in the evening twilight and is leaving Mars behind as it approaches the bright star Regulus. Venus is closest to Regulus on the 22nd. Saturn and Jupiter are visible late in the evening sky. | | | | |
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