| There's a new variant in town | | We've seen the Alpha, Kappa and Delta variants cross our borders, but another strain has now reached our shores. The Lambda variant was detected in hotel quarantine in NSW in April and some reports are saying that it could be fast-spreading and difficult to tackle with vaccines. Here's what we know so far. Meanwhile, Team Trump has launched its own social media site, but it's looking less like an alternative to Twitter and more like "a murky world of make-believe and fancy dress". And don't miss our pick of the best science experiments available online — for both big and little kids! More ABC science and technology: Web | Facebook | Twitter | | | | The Lambda coronavirus variant has arrived in Australia. Here's what we know so far about how infectious it may be. | | | |
 Keep the kids entertained with these fun and easy-to-follow activities — slime, vortex cannons and egg-experiments. | | | | |  An asteroid has been named after Indigenous elder Ghillar Michael Anderson to acknowledge his contribution to astronomy. | | | | | | | |
 Team Trump launched its own social media site a week ago. It's since been flooded with imposter accounts and worse. | | | | |  COVIDSafe hasn't been updated to reflect the behaviour of the delta variant. Why not? | | | | | | | |
 This gruesome outbreak in a Brisbane suburb in 1994 sparked a hunt that might help us uncover the origins of COVID-19. | | | | |  The noise of open-plan offices can have detrimental effects on workers' moods, stress levels and more, a new study shows. | | | | | | | | |
 Yolgnu women want to reclaim their birthing rights. Science Friction travels to Elcho Island to find out why birthing on country is so important. | | | | |  All in the Mind talks to young people about what it’s like to be on anti-depressants and their hopes for the future. | | | | | | | | |
The New Moon is Saturday 10 July. Mercury rises higher in the morning sky and is close to the crescent Moon on the 8th. Venus is readily visible in the evening twilight and is coming closer to Mars. Venus is close to Mars and the thin crescent Moon on the 12th. Venus and Mars are at their closest on the 13th. Saturn and Jupiter are visible late in the evening sky. | | | | |
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