| Should sea creatures get humane treatment? | | | | | Is it cruel to boil crabs alive? Here’s what the science says about sea creatures and pain. | | | |
 New treatments and technologies are helping people with cancer live longer, better lives. | | | | |  A fiery jet of super-hot gas is captured escaping from the heart of a supermassive black hole. | | | | | | | |
 Breathtaking new images of nearby galaxies shed light on how stars are born. | | | | |  Australian organisations are secretly paying hackers millions as the frequency of attacks has increased significantly. | | | | | | | |
 A species of funnel-web spider that's evolved in isolation is found to have a potentially life-saving molecule in its venom. | | | | |  Images like this are so well-crafted that you may not realise they have been dreamed up by a machine in minutes. | | | | | | | | |
 Communities already have the power to recover, they just have to learn how to harness it, says Celeste Young in this Ockham's Razor episode. | | | | |  Climate change is like the COVID pandemic, but in slow motion. Solutions require leadership and a will to embrace science, reveals Tim Flannery on the Science Show. | | | | | | | | |
The Full Moon is Saturday 24 July. Mercury is lost to view. Venus is readily visible in the evening twilight and is leaving Mars behind as it approaches the bright star Regulus. Venus is closest to Regulus on the 22nd. Saturn and Jupiter are visible late in the evening sky and are visited by the Moon on the 24th-26th. Southern Delta Aquariids meteor shower peaks 29th-30th. | | | | |
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