| Earth's 'vital signs' worsen | | | | | Scientists have checked our planet’s vital signs since the pandemic – and it’s bad news, with key signs that the impact of climate change has worsened over the past two years. | | | |
 Not only do these storms create their own weather system, they may also be powerful enough to change Earth's climate, experts say. | | | | |  Cockies are learning how to bust into bins and their skills are spreading fast across suburbia. | | | | | | | |
 NASA's InSight lander has revealed what Mars looks like inside — and it's very different to Earth. | | | | |  Research into the effectiveness of intermittent fasting is still in its infancy, so Samantha and Kevin went on fasting diets for ABC TV's Catalyst. | | | | | | | |
 Are recent floods, heatwaves and fires in Europe and North America linked to a melting Arctic? | | | | |  A planned burial of the 42,000 year-old remains is dividing Aboriginal and scientific communities. | | | | | | | | |
 Paranoia, fear and visions: Delirium can sometimes affect intensive care patients. So what's going on, and can we do anything to prevent it? All in the Mind investigates. | | | | |  Is it true that Big Agriculture has totally ruined our soil, and used up all of its goodness? Dr Karl finds that like most good myths, this one also contains a small grain of truth. | | | | | | | | |
The Last Quarter Moon is Saturday 31 July. This is a "blue" Last Quarter Moon. Venus is readily visible in the evening twilight and is leaving Mars behind. Mars is closest to the bright star Regulus on the 30th. Saturn and Jupiter are visible late in the evening sky. Saturn is at opposition, when it is biggest and brightest as seen from Earth, on 2 August. Southern Delta Aquariids meteor shower peaks 30th. | | | | |
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