ScienceDaily Environment Headlines
for Monday, July 19, 2010
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Role of RNA polymerase in gene transcription demonstrated (July 19, 2010) -- Biophysicists have provided new insight into the mechanisms of gene transcription. They developed a computer model to simulate how the transcription of RNA from DNA is initiated and demonstrate the active role that RNA polymerase plays. Understanding the mechanisms of gene transcription is an important step in deciphering the role of genetics in disease. ... > full story
Remarkable fossil cave shows how ancient marsupials grew (July 18, 2010) -- The discovery of a remarkable 15-million-year-old Australian fossil limestone cave packed with even older animal bones has revealed almost the entire life cycle of a large prehistoric marsupial, from suckling young in the pouch still cutting their milk teeth to elderly adults. ... > full story
Anti-cancer effects of broccoli ingredient explained (July 18, 2010) -- Light has been cast on the interaction between broccoli consumption and reduced prostate cancer risk. Researchers have found that sulforaphane, a chemical found in broccoli, interacts with cells lacking a gene called PTEN to reduce the chances of prostate cancer developing. ... > full story
Fungi's role in the cycle of life discovered (July 18, 2010) -- The nitrogen cycle is the natural process that makes nitrogen available to all organisms on earth. Scientists have discovered that one of the world's most common and ecologically important groups of fungi plays an unsuspected role in this key natural cycle. ... > full story
Concentration, timing and interactions are key when it comes to dietary compounds (July 18, 2010) -- Chemists who specializes in cancer prevention research have reported evidence that for some dietary compounds, length of exposure over time may be key to whether or not ingestion leads to a beneficial, or detrimental, effect. ... > full story
Cell signaling classification system gives researchers new tool (July 18, 2010) -- Using ever-growing genome data, scientists are tracing the evolution of the bacterial regulatory system that controls cellular motility, potentially giving researchers a method for predicting important cellular functions that will impact both medical and biotechnology research. ... > full story
Secret to sniffing out a safe supper (July 18, 2010) -- When mice smell the scent of food on the breath of their fellow mice, they use that experience to decide what's safe to eat in the future. Key in that learning process is the pairing of a particular odor with a chemical ingredient found in mouse breath, scientists knew. What they didn't know was how mice manage to sniff that connection out. According to new study, now they do. ... > full story
Universal flu vaccine moving closer (July 18, 2010) -- A universal influenza vaccine -- so-called because it could potentially provide protection from all flu strains for decades -- may become a reality. ... > full story
Scientists Mount a 'Sting Operation' in Thailand to Tackle a Devastating Pest Outbreak (July 18, 2010) -- In the start of a carefully crafted emergency campaign to thwart a pest outbreak that is wreaking havoc on Thailand's vital cassava production, agricultural researchers will release a quarter of a million parasitic wasps in the northeastern part of the country. ... > full story
New potential biocontrol for skunk vine identified (July 18, 2010) -- A new beetle that could be used to control the invasive weed skunk vine has been identified. ... > full story
Mayan king's tomb discovered in Guatemala (July 17, 2010) -- A well-preserved tomb of an ancient Mayan king has been discovered in Guatemala. The tomb is packed with carvings, ceramics, textiles, and the bones of six children, who may have been sacrificed at the time of the king's death. ... > full story
Redundant genetic instructions in 'junk DNA' support healthy development (July 17, 2010) -- Seemingly redundant portions of the fruit fly genome may not be so redundant after all. Repeated instructional regions in the flies' DNA may contribute to normal development under less-than-ideal growth conditions by making sure that genes are turned on and off at the appropriate times, according to new research. If similar regions are found in humans, they may hold important clues to understanding developmental disorders. ... > full story
Model predicts individual's vitamin D needs (July 17, 2010) -- Your skin tone and the amount of sunshine you receive -- in addition to what foods you eat -- all can influence the amount of vitamin D that your body has on hand for optimum health. Scientists have now developed a preliminary model that predicts an individual's vitamin D requirements. ... > full story
Breakthrough achieved in explaining why tectonic plates move the way they do (July 17, 2010) -- Geophysicists have developed a new theory to explain the global motions of tectonic plates on the earth's surface. The new theory extends the theory of plate tectonics -- a kinematic description of plate motion without reference to the forces behind it -- with a dynamical theory that provides a physical explanation for both the motions of tectonic plates as well as motion of plate boundaries. ... > full story
New toxin may be key to MRSA severity (July 17, 2010) -- A research project to identify all the surface proteins of USA300 -- the most common community-associated strain of the methicillin-resistant form of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus -- has resulted in the identification and isolation of a plentiful new toxin that laboratory studies indicate is a potent killer of human immune cells. Scientists say the toxin could be a key factor in the severity of MRSA infections in otherwise healthy people. ... > full story
Fungi's genetic sabotage in wheat discovered (July 16, 2010) -- Using molecular techniques, scientists have shown how the subversion of a single gene in wheat by two fungal foes triggers a kind of cellular suicide in the grain crop's leaves. ... > full story
Mice cages can alter rodents’ brains and skew research results, study finds (July 16, 2010) -- Researchers have found that the type of cage lab mice are kept in can physically change their brains and dramatically alter test data. ... > full story
Old theory of phytoplankton growth overturned, raise concerns for ocean productivity (July 16, 2010) -- A new study concludes that an old, fundamental and widely accepted theory of how and why phytoplankton bloom in the oceans is incorrect. The findings challenge more than 50 years of conventional wisdom about the growth of phytoplankton, which are the ultimate basis for almost all ocean life and major fisheries. And they also raise concerns that global warming, rather than stimulating ocean productivity, may actually curtail it in some places. ... > full story
Record-breaking carbon dioxide storage capacity enhances ability to capture CO<sub>2</sub> (July 16, 2010) -- Chemists report the "ultimate porosity of a nano material" and records for carbon dioxide storage capacity and porosity in an important class of materials known as MOFs. Porosity in materials is essential for capturing carbon dioxide. This research could lead to cleaner energy and the ability to capture heat-trapping carbon dioxide emissions before they reach the atmosphere, which contribute to global warming, rising sea levels and the increased acidity of oceans. ... > full story
New radiation mechanism may ward off cancer, oil spills and terrorism (July 16, 2010) -- Radiation similar to that used to treat cancer may someday help clean up environmental disasters such as the Gulf oil spill and detect explosive powder hidden underneath clothing. ... > full story
Human sperm gene is 600 million years old, scientists discover (July 16, 2010) -- There is one sex-specific gene so vital, its function has remained unaltered throughout evolution and is found in almost all animals, according to new research. The gene, called Boule, is responsible for sperm production and appears to be the only gene exclusively required for sperm production from an insect to a mammal. All animal sperm production likely comes from a common prototype. ... > full story
Reinventing the wheel -- naturally (July 16, 2010) -- Humans did not invent the wheel. Nature did. While the evolution from the Neolithic solid stone wheel with a single hole for an axle to the sleek wheels of today's racing bikes can be seen as the result of human ingenuity, it also represents how animals, including humans, have come to move more efficiently and quicker over millions of years on Earth, according to an expert. ... > full story
Hungry cells, on a binge, know their own limits (July 16, 2010) -- Cells that consume parts of themselves can stop this process autonomously as well, according to new research. The self-cannibalism is part of the normal digestive process of the cell, but also a survival mechanism in times of famine. This is what makes it difficult for doctors to 'starve out' cancer cells, for instance. ... > full story
Global warming slows coral growth in Red Sea (July 16, 2010) -- In a pioneering use of computed tomography (CT) scans, scientists at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) have discovered that carbon dioxide (CO2)-induced global warming is in the process of killing off a major coral species in the Red Sea. ... > full story
Rescuing fruit flies from Alzheimer's disease (July 16, 2010) -- Fruit fly males -- in which the activity of an Alzheimer's disease protein is reduced by 50 percent -- show impairments in learning and memory as they age, scientists have found. What's more, the researchers were able to prevent the age-related deficits by treating the flies with drugs such as lithium, or by genetic manipulations that reduced nerve-cell signaling. ... > full story
Insight into why low calorie diet can extend lifespan -- even if adopted later in life (July 16, 2010) -- Research is providing new insight into why a restricted diet can lead to a longer lifespan and reduced incidence of age-related diseases for a wide variety of animals. Scientists have known for some time that a restricted diet can extend the lifespan of certain animals but this work shows how it affects aging mechanisms - and significantly has also shown that the effects occur even if the restricted diet is adopted later in life. ... > full story
What plant genes tell us about crop domestication (July 16, 2010) -- Archeobotanists argue that plant domestication involved much trial and error in many different geographic regions over a long period of time. A genetic technique that allows domesticated and wild strains of the same plant to be compared shows that domestication requires only simple genetic changes. Yet the findings don't contradict the archeobotanical data. ... > full story
Luteolin stars in study of healthful plant compounds (July 16, 2010) -- New studies are providing some of the missing details about how natural compounds in plants may protect us against inflammation. ... > full story
New role for the JNK protein: Long known to help cells respond to stress, JNK also controls cell cycle (July 16, 2010) -- New findings show that JNK, a protein already well known for other duties, also regulates the cell cycle. ... > full story
Bacterial diversity of Tablas de Daimiel National Park in Spain: 265 new phylum groups discovered (July 16, 2010) -- A team of Spanish scientists has studied the bacteria - micro organisms that are "essential" for important processes such as nitrogen and carbon-fixing and decomposition of matter - in the Tablas de Daimiel National Park. The scientists discovered 265 new phylum groups by using DNA analysis. ... > full story
First malaria-proof mosquito: Genetic manipulation renders them completely immune to the parasite (July 15, 2010) -- For years, researchers worldwide have attempted to create genetically altered mosquitoes that cannot infect humans with malaria. Those efforts fell short because the mosquitoes still were capable of transmitting the disease-causing pathogen, only in lower numbers. Now for the first time, entomologists have succeeded in genetically altering mosquitoes in a way that renders them completely immune to the parasite. ... > full story
How human immune response to virus is triggered at the atomic level (July 15, 2010) -- A team of biochemists has identified the molecular mechanism by which an immune response is triggered by the invading viruses, according to recent research. ... > full story
Sri Lankan children affected by war, tsunami, daily stressors (July 15, 2010) -- Two studies on Sri Lankan children affected by trauma found that both daily stressors and traumatic events contribute to children's psychological health. The first study, of 400 adolescents who survived the 2004 tsunami, found that poverty and family violence were major sources of continuing stress. The second study, of 1,400 children affected by both the tsunami and civil war, focused on the cumulative effect of multiple stressors on children's later functioning. ... > full story
Tiny marine microbes exert influence on global climate: Microorganisms display a behavior characteristic of larger animals (July 15, 2010) -- New research indicates that the interactions of microscopic organisms around a particular organic material may alter the chemical properties of the ocean and ultimately influence global climate by affecting cloud formation in the atmosphere. ... > full story
Scientists develop new way to grow adult stem cells in culture (July 15, 2010) -- Researchers have developed a technique they believe will help scientists overcome a major hurdle to the use of adult stem cells for treating muscular dystrophy and other muscle-wasting disorders that accompany aging or disease: They've found that growing muscle stem cells on a specially developed synthetic matrix that mimics the elasticity of real muscle allows them to maintain their self-renewing properties. ... > full story
Brain size associated with longevity in mammals (July 15, 2010) -- Mammals with larger brains in relation to body size tend to live longer according to researchers who analyzed almost 500 mammal species and obtaining new data on the relation between brain size and lifespan. ... > full story
Team develops non-toxic oil recovery agent (July 15, 2010) -- A team of chemists has developed a non-toxic, recyclable agent that can solidify oil on salt water so that it can be scooped up like the fat that forms on the top of a pot of chilled chicken soup. The agent could potentially be used to recover oil lost in the British Petroleum (BP) spill in the Gulf of Mexico. ... > full story
Scientists assess impact of Icelandic volcanic ash on ocean biology (July 15, 2010) -- An international team of oceanographers investigating the role of iron on ocean productivity in the northerly latitudes of the Atlantic Ocean will assess the impact of ash from the recent Icelandic volcano eruption on ocean biology. The five-week expedition started out on July 4, 2010. ... > full story
Conflicted meat-eaters may deny that meat-animals have the capacity to suffer, study finds (July 15, 2010) -- People who wish to escape the ‘meat paradox’ -- i.e., simultaneously disliking hurting animals and enjoying eating meat -- may do so by denying that the animal they ate had the capacity to suffer, researchers in the UK have found in a new study. Those participating in the study also reported a reduced range of animals to which they felt obligated to show moral concern. These ranged from dogs and chimps to snails and fish. ... > full story
Retrovirus replication process different than thought (July 15, 2010) -- How a retrovirus, like HIV, reproduces and assembles new viruses is different than previously thought, according to new research. Understanding the steps a virus takes for assembly could allow development of a way to prevent the spread of retroviral diseases. ... > full story
New light on Leonardo Da Vinci’s faces (July 15, 2010) -- How did Leonardo Da Vinci manage to paint such perfect faces? For the first time a quantitative chemical analysis has been done on seven paintings from the Louvre Museum (including the Mona Lisa) without extracting any samples. This shows the composition and thickness of each layer of material laid down by the painter. ... > full story
Fossil find puts a face on early primates (July 15, 2010) -- When paleontologist Iyad Zalmout went looking for fossil whales and dinosaurs in Saudi Arabia, he never expected to come face-to-face with a significant, early primate fossil. ... > full story
Footloose glaciers crack up: New detailed observations of what happens when glaciers float on ocean surface (July 15, 2010) -- Glaciers that lose their footing on the seafloor and begin floating behave very erratically, according to a new study. Floating glaciers produce larger icebergs than their grounded cousins and do so at unpredictable intervals, researchers find. ... > full story
Fast food chains have significantly decreased trans fats in cooking oils, study finds (July 15, 2010) -- Five major fast food chains have significantly decreased trans fats in the oils they use to cook food, according to new research. ... > full story
Blind mice can 'see' thanks to special retinal cells (July 15, 2010) -- A new study shows mice without rods and cones function can still see -- and not just light, but also patterns and images -- thanks to a third kind of photosensitive cell in the retina. ... > full story
Noninvasive probing of geological core samples (July 15, 2010) -- Tools to measure a core sample's electrical anisotropy have been sadly lacking, according to a group of researchers. To solve this problem, they found inspiration in a type of logging technology currently used by the modern oil industry. They created a device capable of noninvasively measuring electrical conductivity. ... > full story
Carbon sequestration: Steam process could remove carbon dioxide to regenerate amine capture materials (July 15, 2010) -- Researchers have demonstrated a relatively simple regeneration technique that could utilize waste steam to remove carbon dioxide from solid amine materials used to capture the greenhouse gas from the flue gases of coal-burning facilities. This steam-stripping technique could produce concentrated carbon dioxide ready for sequestration -- while readying the amine materials for further use. ... > full story
Finding diamonds: Scientists' work improves odds (July 15, 2010) -- While prospectors and geologists have been successful in finding diamonds through diligent searching, one professor and his team's work could help improve the odds by focusing future searches in particular areas. ... > full story
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