ScienceDaily Technology Headlines
for the Week of July 18 to July 25, 2010
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Posted 2010-07-24:
- Graphene organic photovoltaics: Flexible material only a few atoms thick may offer cheap solar power
- Virtual reality gives insight on protein structures
- NASA spacecraft camera yields most accurate Mars map
- Charging up electric car batteries in environmentally-friendly way
Posted 2010-07-24:
- Out of the gait: Robot ranger sets untethered 'walking' record at 14.3 miles
- Cancer-metabolism link runs deep in humans, novel network algorithm suggests
- Supercomputer reproduces a cyclone's birth, may boost forecasting
- How do cells die? Biophotonic tools reveal real-time dynamics in living color
- Nanoparticles as destructive beacons to zap tumors
- New technique for studying dark energy
- New quantum state of matter discovered in Heusler compounds: Applications in spintronics, quantum computing and new physical effects
- Transparency through open notes: Risks and rewards of inviting patients to review their medical records
- Can chaos theory help predict heart attacks?
- European Space Agency develops radar to watch for space hazards
- NASA telescope finds elusive buckyballs in space for first time
- Math model of colon inflammation singles out dangerous immune cells
- Pounding particles to create Neptune's water in the lab
- Quantum mechanics not in jeopardy: Physicists confirm a decades-old key principle experimentally
- Highest X-ray energy used to probe materials
- Bio-based compound provides substitute for important raw material in plastic products
- Bioenergy production can expand across Africa without displacing food, report finds
Posted 2010-07-23:
- Key compound of ozone destruction detected; Scientists disprove doubts in ozone hole chemistry
- Data mining made faster: New method eases analysis of 'multidimensional' information
- Hyperfast star was booted from Milky Way
- Caterpillars crawl like none other: Unique means of animal locomotion has implications for robotics, human biomechanics
- Now you see it, now you don't: An infrared invisibility cloak made of glass
- Gulf oil dispersants unlikely to be endocrine disruptors and have relatively low cell toxicity, tests find
- Engineering researchers simplify process to make world's tiniest wires
- Evidence of water in lunar rocks: Water on moon may be widespread, similar to Earth's
- Nanotech coatings produce 20 times more electricity from sewage
- Black hole jerked around twice
- Quantum entanglement in photosynthesis and evolution
- Students design early labor detector aimed to prevent premature births
- Video game processors help lower CT scan radiation
- Nanoribbons for graphene transistors: Materials for tomorrow's nanoelectronics
- Military greenhouse gas emissions: EPA should recognize environmental impact of protecting foreign oil, researchers urge
- Study describes health effects of occupational exposures in Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant workers
Posted 2010-07-22:
- Cometary impact on Neptune: Herschel data point to collision about two centuries ago
- Finding frugal aliens: 'Benford beacons' concept could refocus search for signs of intelligent extraterrestrial life
- Do cleaning products cause breast cancer?
- Poplar tree protein can be used to shrink memory elements and increase computer memory density
- Stars just got bigger: A 300-solar-mass star uncovered
- Nanoparticles plus adult stem cells demolish plaque, study finds
- Flower organ's cells make random decisions that determine size
- Cassini sees moon building giant snowballs in Saturn ring
- By 'putting a ring on it,' microparticles can be captured
- Nanotechnology: Scientists construct molecular 'knots'
- Drilling down to the nanometer depths of leaves for biofuels
- Video camera will show Mars rover's touchdown
- Computer program predicts MRSA bacteria's next move
Posted 2010-07-21:
- Prolonged mobile phone use may be linked to tinnitus
- Engineers work on rocket demonstrator for Mars missions
- Data presentation and consumer confidence
- Next generation surgical robots: Where's the doctor?
- New method developed for synchronizing clocks
- Widely used chemicals linked to ADHD in children
- Image-processing algorithm reduces CT radiation dose by as much as 95 percent
- ‘The friend of my enemy is my enemy’: Virtual universe study proves 80-year-old theory on how humans interact
- Fourth property of electrons? Electric dipole moment would explain creation of universe
- Beach umbrellas do not block out all solar radiation, study shows
- Artificial cells communicate and cooperate like biological cells, ants
- Microbial world's use of metals mostly unmapped
- Advance made toward communication, computing at 'terahertz' speeds
- Breakthrough in thin-film solar cells: New insights into the indium/gallium puzzle
- Cerebral bioelectricity analysis detects epilepsy
- Mermaid opens prospect of cleaner seas with pollution early warning system
- Orbiter puts itself into standby safe mode
Posted 2010-07-20:
- Cultured brain cells taught to keep time
- How technology may improve treatment for children with brain cancer
- Getting mosquitoes under control: Gene-silencing nanoparticles may put end to pesky summer pest
- High-speed study of zebrafish larvae: New technique can analyze larvae in seconds
- Vaccine-delivery patch with dissolving microneedles eliminates 'sharps,' boosts protection
- Unusual electrons go with the flow
- Refining a cosmic clock: Particle accelerator research helps narrow down the age of our galaxy
- NASA's WISE mission completes extensive sky survey
- See beautiful Ontario Lacus: Cassini's guided tour
Posted 2010-07-19:
- Novel microfluidic HIV test is quick and cheap
- Making virtopsies a reality: New research project to develop reliable and cost-effective virtual autopsies
- Cell signaling classification system gives researchers new tool
- New method revolutionizes study of metal-containing proteins
Posted 2010-07-18:
- Chemists grow crystals with a twist -- and untwist
- Quantum simulations uncover hydrogen's phase transitions
- Sound creates light: Researchers transfer ultra-stable frequency across 480-km optical fiber link
Posted 2010-07-17:
- Astronomers discover an unusual cosmic lens
- Small wires make big connections for microelectronics
- Record-breaking carbon dioxide storage capacity enhances ability to capture CO<sub>2</sub>
- New radiation mechanism may ward off cancer, oil spills and terrorism
- Reinventing the wheel -- naturally
- Researchers cut years from drug development with nanoscopic bead technology
- Nanotubes pass acid test
- New revelations about Mercury's volcanism, magnetic substorms and exosphere from MESSENGER
- Herschel: The first science highlights
Posted 2010-07-16:
- How human immune response to virus is triggered at the atomic level
- Database for personalised cancer treatment: Largest study of genomes and cancer treatments releases first results
- Giant antenna propped up, ready for joint replacement
- Submarines could use new nanotube technology for sonar and stealth
- Team develops non-toxic oil recovery agent
- Super-hot planet with unique comet-like tail discovered
- New light on Leonardo Da Vinci’s faces
- Physicists find clues to the origin and evolution of wrinkles in thin sheets
- Supercharged proteins enter biology's forbidden zone
- Toward room-temperature superconductors: Key advance in understanding 'pseudogap' phase in high-T<sub>c</sub> superconductors
- Noninvasive probing of geological core samples
- Carbon sequestration: Steam process could remove carbon dioxide to regenerate amine capture materials
- Moving polymers through pores
- Bringing molecules into view: Record-breaking high-resolution optical technique resolves objects as small as 0.5 nanometers
- A simple quantum dynamics problem?
- Reports detail global investment and other trends in green energy
Posted 2010-07-15:
- Unravelling the mystery of massive star birth: All stars are born the same way
- Rainbow trapping in light pulses
- Consumers under-predict learning curve following initial experience with product
- Record-breaking X-ray blast briefly blinds space observatory
- New generation of biological scaffolds
- Lie detection: You can't hide your lyin' eyes
- Juno spacecraft armored up to go to Jupiter
- NASA and Microsoft provide Mars 3-D close encounter
- Astronomers discover star-studded galaxy tail
- Fascinating images from a new world: Close-ups of the asteroid Lutetia
Posted 2010-07-14:
- Viscosity at the nanoscale: Intriguing 50-year-old puzzle solved
- Report on controlling NASA mission costs
- Hubble snaps sharp image of cosmic concoction
- Stellar explosions provide the key to understanding the fate of the universe
- Magnets trump metallics: Magnetic fields can turn highly conductive nanotubes into semiconductors
- Avatars as lifelike representations and effective marketing tools
- Fly's brain -- a high-speed computer: Neurobiologists use state-of-the-art methods to decode the basics of motion detection
- New system to reduce heating costs in cold climates
- New 3-D imaging techniques for improved lung cancer drug development
- Engineering could give reconstructive surgery a facelift
- Biofuel quest: Genome signatures enable tracking of algal complexity
- Surgeons find new way to shield vision during radiation for eye cancer: Silicon oil
- Origin of key cosmic explosions still a mystery
- Artificial intelligence for improving team sports
Posted 2010-07-13:
- New research can spot cloud computing problems before they start
- Neutrinos are likely half as massive as previous estimates suggested
- Fibers that can hear and sing: Fibers created that detect and produce sound
- DNA through graphene nanopores
- The proton -- smaller than thought: Scientists measure charge radius of hydrogen nucleus and stumble across physics mysteries
- Breakthrough in terahertz remote sensing: Unique THz 'fingerprints' will identify hidden explosives from a distance
- Eye movements and sight distance reveal how drivers negotiate winding roads
- Surprisingly regular patterns in hurricane energy discovered
- Geo-neutrinos: Discovery of subatomic particles could answer deep questions in geology
- Mathematical models for breast cancer detection with microwave tomography are cheaper and less risky, research finds
- Computing power cracks egg shell problem
- Graphic partnership brings life to local council data
- Taking computer games into the future
Posted 2010-07-12:
- Rosetta triumphs at asteroid Lutetia
- New biofuels processing method for mobile facilities
- Farmers to get rice-growing advice via text messages
- Nanoparticles shrink tumors in mice
- New retrieval method makes studying cancer proteins easier
- New ultrabright source of entangled photon pairs
Posted 2010-07-11:
- Saturn propellers reflect solar system origins
- Better barriers can help levees withstand wave erosion
- Novel ion trap with optical fiber could link atoms and light in quantum networks
- Researchers use robot to determine how human strangers develop trust
- New spin on drug delivery: Chemical engineers discover an enhanced delivery method of DNA payloads into cells
- Rain of giant gas clouds create active galactic nuclei: New research explains how galaxy centers light up
- Scientists use computer algorithms to develop seasonal flu vaccines
- Heavy metal rock set to take the stage
- New system helps locate car park spaces
Posted 2010-07-10:
- Mathematical formula predicts clear favorite for the FIFA World Cup
- Miniature energy harvesting technology could power wireless electronics
- Prospects for finding new Earths boosted by brand new planet-finding technique
- New parallel found between cold gases and 'hot' superconductors
- Starburst cluster shows celestial fireworks
- RFIDs: Smart little gizmos get even smarter
- New technology reduces storage needs and costs for genomic data
Posted 2010-07-09:
- Rosetta lines up for spectacular asteroid flyby
- Drug delivery system uses nanoparticles triggered by electromagnetic field
- Black hole blows big bubble
- Pinpoint precision: Delivering a biochemical payload to one cell
- New computer program accurately simulates protein folding dramatically faster than previous methods
- Newborn stars discovered in dark cosmic cloud
- Energy yield of ‘cheap’ solar panels raised from 7 to 9 percent
- Revolutionary medical dressing uses nanotechnology to fight infection
- Robots preclude neck incision for thyroid surgery
- Transformation optics make a U-turn for the better
- Road surface purifies air by removing nitrogen oxides, researchers in the Netherlands find
- One person's waste is another's resource
Posted 2010-07-08:
- Optical tweezers use holographic technology to manipulate 300 nanoparticles at a time
- Reversible watermarking for digital images
- Saturn system moves oxygen from Enceladus to Titan
- Shocking results from diamond anvil cell experiments
- Virtual food causes stress in patients affected by eating disorders
- Multicolor quantum dots aid in cancer biopsy diagnosis
- Gender gap persists at highest levels of math and science testing, 30-year study finds
- Nano-sized light mill drives micro-sized disk
- Scientists design new delivery device for gene therapy
- Next Mars rover sports a set of new wheels
- New adhesive for tape, label industry, developed
- TV viewing, video game play contribute to kids' attention problems, study finds
- New type of light-matter interaction: Advance in quantum computing and energy conversion technology
- Researchers measure single-molecule machines in action
Posted 2010-07-07:
- Bridge to the quantum world: Darwinian concept of natural selection figures into theory about core of physical reality
- Multi-layered images projected onto water droplets with new technology
- With magnetic nanoparticles, scientists remotely control neurons and animal behavior
- Infrared camera may provide a better view for night driving
- Barrier to faster integrated circuits may be mere speed bump, scientists say
- Thermal-powered, insect-like robot crawls into microrobot contenders' ring
- Watch while an asteroid eats a star
- Long-term fate of Gulf oil spill: Computer simulations show oil reaching up the Atlantic coastline and toward Europe
- Adolescent cyberbullies and their victims may have physical, mental health problems
- Benchtop biofuels: Fine-tuning growth conditions helps cyanobacteria flourish
- Optical imaging could create pathway for radiotracers, study finds
- 'Digital embryo' gains wings: Now possible to film development of fruit fly and of zebrafish's eyes and brain
- Planck unveils the Universe -- now and then
- Simulation-based matchmaking for shape memory alloys
Posted 2010-07-06:
- Nano-sized advance toward next big treatment era in dentistry
- Super-high pressures used to create super battery: 'Most condensed form of energy storage outside of nuclear energy'
- Graphene 2.0: A new approach to making a unique material
- Nanomachines in the powerhouse of the cell: Architecture of the largest protein complex of cellular respiration elucidated
- Is your flashy school website safe?
- Renewables account for 62 percent of the new electricity generation capacity installed in the EU in 2009
Posted 2010-07-05:
- Molecules found in blue jean and ink dyes may lead to more efficient solar cells
- Coolest stars come out of the dark: Spitzer spies frigid brown dwarfs
- Genetic inspiration could show the way to revolutionize information technology
Posted 2010-07-04:
- How rules of physics in quantum world change when applied to classical world
- Cell phone microscope poised to begin trials in Africa
Posted 2010-07-03:
- Three-legged dogs boost robot research
- Scrubbing CO<sub>2</sub> from atmosphere could be a long-term commitment
- World of lights in the microcosmos
- Science of soccer: Ball aerodynamics focus of research
- X-ray satellite homes in on a black hole's jets
- All-natural personal care products: Chemical engineer patents enzymatic preparation to make natural ingredients in the lab
Posted 2010-07-02:
- Switching off your lights has a bigger impact than you might think, says new study
- Man in the Moon has 'graphite whiskers'
- New technique improves efficiency of biofuel production
- R Coronae Australis: A cosmic watercolor
- Genetic Code 2.0: Novel artificial proteins for industry and science
- Unpeeling atoms and molecules from the inside out
- New temperature table may help reduce heat-related deaths of children in closed cars
- Electrons are late starters: Contrary to previous assumptions, electrons are catapulted out of an atom during photoemission with a delay
- Stability and utility of floating wind turbines shown in new study
- NASA Mars rover seeing destination in more detail
- Engineers assess reaction wheel on NASA's Dawn spacecraft
Posted 2010-07-01:
- System that controls sleep may be same for most mammals
- Voyager 2 at 12,000 days: The super-marathon continues
- Drivers mistakenly believe winter is most dangerous travel time, survey shows
- More proof that new planet and star are moving together
- Zapping Titan-like atmosphere with UV rays creates life precursors
- Diamonds and the holy grail of quantum computing
- NASA instrument will identify clues to Martian past
- 'Galactic archaeologists' find origin of Milky Way's ancient stars
- Viral protein structure study offers HIV therapy hope
- Linguistics professor examines manufacturers' prescription drug websites
Posted 2010-06-30:
- Science uncovers the hidden secrets of world-famous paintings
- Birth of the Milky Way: Astronomers glimpse at earliest phases of our home galaxy
- Earplug lets the message through
- Relying on origami techniques, researchers show programmable matter folding into a boat- or plane-shape
- Biologically inspired technology produces sugar from photosynthetic bacteria
- Introducing Robofish: Leading the crowd in studying group dynamics
- Science historian cracks the 'Plato code'
- Geometry affects drift and diffusion across entropic barriers
- Public transit systems contribute to weight loss and improved health, study finds
- New radio telescope will listen to the universe on the FM-band
- 'Hitchhiker' EPOXI: Next stop, Comet Hartley 2
- Green driving? Putting second generation biofuels to the test
Posted 2010-06-29:
- Physics of the 'bends': New study helps explain decompression sickness
- Turning off the air conditioning helps save fuel, Swiss study finds
- Bursting bubbles with sound offers new treatments for cancer
- Enterprise PCs work while they sleep – saving energy and money – with new software
- Rocky mounds and a plateau on Mars
- Depth charge: Using atomic force microscopy to study subsurface structures
- Hop, jump and stick; Robots designed with insect instincts
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