ScienceDaily Environment Headlines
for the Week of July 18 to July 25, 2010
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Posted 2010-07-24:
- Microbicide containing engineered bacteria may inhibit HIV-1
- Virtual reality gives insight on protein structures
- Chokeberry extract found to regulate weight gain, blood glucose, and inflammation in rats
- Asia's most devastating droughts reconstructed
- Cold-blooded mothers: Magpie parents seem to induce mortality of 'unwanted' chicks
- Diabetes monitoring device benefits not just people but dogs and other animals, too
- Hops helps reduce ammonia produced by cattle
Posted 2010-07-24:
- Cancer-metabolism link runs deep in humans, novel network algorithm suggests
- Supercomputer reproduces a cyclone's birth, may boost forecasting
- Medicine from moss: Bioreactor technique may offer hope to people with age-related blindness
- White eyes, foot-wide flowers, maroon plants: Researcher creating unique winter-hardy hibiscuses
- How do cells die? Biophotonic tools reveal real-time dynamics in living color
- High-resolution imaging expands vision research of live birds of prey
- Identification of a gene essential to newborn babies' first breath
- European Space Agency develops radar to watch for space hazards
- Scientists discover how deadly fungal microbes enter host cells
- Misuse of anesthesia could cause hepatitis virus transmission
- Not enough hours in the day for endangered apes: Warming climate may change ape behaviour, resulting in loss of habitat
- Scientists confirm role for mysterious cell component -- the nucleolinus
- Salmonella contaminated pork may pose health risk for humans
- Biologists help save endangered pallid sturgeon
- Better control of reproduction in trout and salmon may be in aquaculture's future
- Warmer climate could increase release of carbon dioxide by inland lakes
- Bio-based compound provides substitute for important raw material in plastic products
- Report calls for coordinated information on climate change
- Bioenergy production can expand across Africa without displacing food, report finds
Posted 2010-07-23:
- Could diabetes be in your bones? Link between metabolic disease, bone mass; Breakdown of bone keeps blood sugar in check
- Smog might trigger cell death in the heart, study finds
- Key compound of ozone destruction detected; Scientists disprove doubts in ozone hole chemistry
- Cutting fat and calories can lower cancer risk in dogs and people
- Extreme archaeology: Divers plumb the mysteries of sacred Maya pools
- Climate uncertainties tied to economies of US states: California, Pacific Northwest and Colorado achieve positive net impacts; other states languish
- Caterpillars crawl like none other: Unique means of animal locomotion has implications for robotics, human biomechanics
- Wacky weather could squeeze Florida's citrus season
- Oil devastation found at major Gulf breeding site
- Gulf oil dispersants unlikely to be endocrine disruptors and have relatively low cell toxicity, tests find
- Genetic mismatch keeps yeast species distinct
- Evidence of water in lunar rocks: Water on moon may be widespread, similar to Earth's
- Quitting smoking may minimize harmful bacteria and replenish healthy bacteria
- Nanotech coatings produce 20 times more electricity from sewage
- Stem cells for eating and sex pinpointed
- Quantum entanglement in photosynthesis and evolution
- Temperature constancy appears key to tropical biodiversity
- Climate change causes larger, more plentiful marmots, study shows; Implications for many creatures that hibernate
- Marriage patterns drive fertility decline
- What causes hybrid vigor? Researchers find genetic 'noise' caused by surprising variation in gene activity
- Military greenhouse gas emissions: EPA should recognize environmental impact of protecting foreign oil, researchers urge
- Kids could get more whole grains from after-school snacks, study finds
- Study describes health effects of occupational exposures in Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant workers
Posted 2010-07-22:
- Need for protection against ticks that carry Lyme disease confirmed by new research
- Stormwater model to inform regulators on future development projects
- Finding frugal aliens: 'Benford beacons' concept could refocus search for signs of intelligent extraterrestrial life
- Engineered stem cells may limit heart attack damage, improve function
- CSI at the service of cellulose synthesis: Plant researchers identify protein involved in formation of cellulose
- International law failing to protect coral reefs and tropical fish, experts argue
- Primitive frogs do a belly flop: Study shows that frogs evolved jumping before they refined landing
- Do cleaning products cause breast cancer?
- New methodology improves winter climate forecasting
- Poplar tree protein can be used to shrink memory elements and increase computer memory density
- Where the wild veggies are: Cultivated cucumber and melon originated in Asia and Australia
- Flower organ's cells make random decisions that determine size
- Drilling down to the nanometer depths of leaves for biofuels
- New way to target viruses could make antiviral drugs more effective
- Expedition to Mid-Cayman Rise identifies unusual variety of deep sea vents
- First-of-its-kind map details the height of the globe's forests
- Computer program predicts MRSA bacteria's next move
- Rapid losses of Africa's native livestock threaten continent's food supply, experts warn
- Rapid growth in adolescence leads to fewer offspring, biologists find
- Probiotics use in mothers limits eczema in their babies, study finds
- NOAA ship Fairweather maps aid shipping through Bering Straits
Posted 2010-07-21:
- Why some plants flower in spring, autumn and some in summer
- Animal connection: New hypothesis for human evolution and human nature
- Underwater sponges and worms may hold key to cure for malaria
- Uncovering behavior of long-dead insects
- Beach umbrellas do not block out all solar radiation, study shows
- Health impacts of Deepwater Horizon disaster on coastal Louisiana residents surveyed
- Artificial cells communicate and cooperate like biological cells, ants
- Adaptation in mole blood aids tunnelling
- Bioinformatics used to detect rogue use of synthetic biology
- Cool roofs can offset carbon dioxide emissions and mitigate global warming, study finds
- Microbial world's use of metals mostly unmapped
- Of bugs and brains: Gut bacteria affect multiple sclerosis
- Unearthing King Tet: Key protein influences stem cell fate
- When climate change becomes a health issue, are people more likely to listen?
- Frog killer caught in the act: DNA barcoding reveals five undiscovered frog species among 30 wiped out by fungal epidemic
- Mermaid opens prospect of cleaner seas with pollution early warning system
Posted 2010-07-20:
- Flower power makes tropics cooler, wetter
- 'Violin fungus' genetically decoded
- Small fish exploits forbidding environment, turns jellyfish into dinner
- June was the fourth consecutive month that was warmest on record
- Getting mosquitoes under control: Gene-silencing nanoparticles may put end to pesky summer pest
- Melting DNA into a barcode
- High-speed study of zebrafish larvae: New technique can analyze larvae in seconds
- What protects farm children from hay fever? Protective substance may slumber in cowshed dust
- Rising carbon dioxide and 'acidified' waters found in Puget Sound, off Seattle US
- Vaccine-delivery patch with dissolving microneedles eliminates 'sharps,' boosts protection
- 'Business as usual' crop development won't satisfy future demand, research finds
- How cranberry juice fights bacteria at the molecular level
- Nectar reduction in Petunia: it doesn't pay to cheat
- Role of RNA polymerase in gene transcription demonstrated
Posted 2010-07-19:
- Remarkable fossil cave shows how ancient marsupials grew
- Anti-cancer effects of broccoli ingredient explained
- Fungi's role in the cycle of life discovered
- Concentration, timing and interactions are key when it comes to dietary compounds
- Cell signaling classification system gives researchers new tool
- Secret to sniffing out a safe supper
- Universal flu vaccine moving closer
- Scientists Mount a 'Sting Operation' in Thailand to Tackle a Devastating Pest Outbreak
- New potential biocontrol for skunk vine identified
- New method revolutionizes study of metal-containing proteins
Posted 2010-07-18:
- Mayan king's tomb discovered in Guatemala
- Redundant genetic instructions in 'junk DNA' support healthy development
- Model predicts individual's vitamin D needs
- Breakthrough achieved in explaining why tectonic plates move the way they do
- New toxin may be key to MRSA severity
Posted 2010-07-17:
- Fungi's genetic sabotage in wheat discovered
- Mice cages can alter rodents’ brains and skew research results, study finds
- Old theory of phytoplankton growth overturned, raise concerns for ocean productivity
- Record-breaking carbon dioxide storage capacity enhances ability to capture CO<sub>2</sub>
- New radiation mechanism may ward off cancer, oil spills and terrorism
- Human sperm gene is 600 million years old, scientists discover
- Reinventing the wheel -- naturally
- Hungry cells, on a binge, know their own limits
- Global warming slows coral growth in Red Sea
- Rescuing fruit flies from Alzheimer's disease
- Insight into why low calorie diet can extend lifespan -- even if adopted later in life
- What plant genes tell us about crop domestication
- Luteolin stars in study of healthful plant compounds
- New role for the JNK protein: Long known to help cells respond to stress, JNK also controls cell cycle
- Bacterial diversity of Tablas de Daimiel National Park in Spain: 265 new phylum groups discovered
Posted 2010-07-16:
- First malaria-proof mosquito: Genetic manipulation renders them completely immune to the parasite
- How human immune response to virus is triggered at the atomic level
- Sri Lankan children affected by war, tsunami, daily stressors
- Tiny marine microbes exert influence on global climate: Microorganisms display a behavior characteristic of larger animals
- Scientists develop new way to grow adult stem cells in culture
- Brain size associated with longevity in mammals
- Team develops non-toxic oil recovery agent
- Scientists assess impact of Icelandic volcanic ash on ocean biology
- Conflicted meat-eaters may deny that meat-animals have the capacity to suffer, study finds
- Retrovirus replication process different than thought
- New light on Leonardo Da Vinci’s faces
- Fossil find puts a face on early primates
- Footloose glaciers crack up: New detailed observations of what happens when glaciers float on ocean surface
- Fast food chains have significantly decreased trans fats in cooking oils, study finds
- Blind mice can 'see' thanks to special retinal cells
- Noninvasive probing of geological core samples
- Carbon sequestration: Steam process could remove carbon dioxide to regenerate amine capture materials
- Finding diamonds: Scientists' work improves odds
- Pigs provide clues on cystic fibrosis lung disease
- Waterborne diseases could cost over 0 million annually in US
- Scientists counter brucellosis threat to livestock and wildlife
- Reports detail global investment and other trends in green energy
- New molecular technique detects Anisakis in all fish
- Hurricane Katrina's effects on children: Resilience and gender
Posted 2010-07-15:
- Who's queen? Insulin signaling key to caste development in bees
- Importance of a safe room for tornado protection
- Plavix may be treatment for dogs at risk of thromboembolic disease
- Opening the gate to the cell's recycling center
- Cashew seed extract an effective anti-diabetic, study shows
- Elusive ant queen pheromone tracked down
- Triceratops and Torsaurus were same dinosaur at different stages
- Tea may contain more fluoride than once thought, research shows
- New generation of biological scaffolds
- Great apes 'play' tag to keep competitive advantage
- New research on rapidly-disappearing ancient plant offers hope for species recovery
- Researchers fighting bacterial infections zero in on microorganism's soft spots
- Ancient birds from North America colonized the South, thanks to Panama land bridge
- Divide and conquer: Genes decide who wins in the body's battle against cancer
- Nearly 5 percent exposed to dengue virus in Florida's Key West, report suggests
- NASA's 3-D animation of Typhoon Conson's heavy rainfall and strong thunderstorms
- Facial recognition at first glance: Humans and monkeys perceive faces of kin immediately
- What secrets are stored in the roots of corn plants?
- NASA releases GOES-13 satellite movie of the life and times of Hurricane Alex
Posted 2010-07-14:
- Sea levels rising in parts of Indian Ocean; Greenhouse gases play role, study finds
- Viscosity at the nanoscale: Intriguing 50-year-old puzzle solved
- Report on controlling NASA mission costs
- Why you should never arm wrestle a saber-toothed tiger
- Whisker stimulation prevents strokes in rats; Stimulating fingers, lips and face may also work in humans
- Salmon in hot water
- Fly's brain -- a high-speed computer: Neurobiologists use state-of-the-art methods to decode the basics of motion detection
- New system to reduce heating costs in cold climates
- Africa's national parks hit by mammal declines
- Biofuel quest: Genome signatures enable tracking of algal complexity
- Baby brain growth mirrors changes from apes to humans
- Salsa and guacamole increasingly important causes of foodborne disease
- Staggering tree loss from 2005 Amazon storm
- Plant 'breathing' mechanism discovered
- Eating foods rich in vitamin E associated with lower dementia risk
- Researchers witness overnight breakup, retreat of Greenland glacier
Posted 2010-07-13:
- Antidepressants make shrimps see the light
- Oldest written document ever found in Jerusalem discovered
- Bars, restaurants see no significant employment change under smoking bans in two cities
- Sewage overflow promotes spread of West Nile virus
- Mouse stem cell study offers new insights into body fat distribution
- Penguin males with steady pitch make better parents
- Dogs may help collar Chagas disease: Researchers propose new ways to combat prevalent public health challenge
- North Pacific: Global backup generator for past climate change
- Mexican salamander helps uncover mysteries of stem cells and evolution
- 'Dawning of a new age' in bacteria research
- DNA through graphene nanopores
- Earliest archaeological evidence of pet tortoises discovered
- Honey as an antibiotic: Scientists identify a secret ingredient in honey that kills bacteria
- First preliminary profile of proteins in bed bugs' saliva
- Wet breathing system filters transmit harmful bacteria and yeast, hospitals warned
- Breakthrough in terahertz remote sensing: Unique THz 'fingerprints' will identify hidden explosives from a distance
- Surprisingly regular patterns in hurricane energy discovered
- Geo-neutrinos: Discovery of subatomic particles could answer deep questions in geology
- Red hot chili peppers arrive in sub-zero Arctic Seed Vault
- What’s killing farmed salmon? New virus may also pose risk to wild salmon
- Big picture: Lipid ordering visualized in a living vertebrate organism
- Computing power cracks egg shell problem
- Source of essential nutrients for mid-ocean algae discovered
- Majority of fevers in African children are not caused by malaria, study finds
- Archeologists explore rural Galilee and find ancient synagogue
- Healthy made up over half of UK swine flu admissions and inpatient deaths in first wave
- Green goes mainstream: Biodiversity is climbing the corporate agenda
Posted 2010-07-12:
- Plant extract may be effective against inflammatory bowel disease
- New biofuels processing method for mobile facilities
- Farmers to get rice-growing advice via text messages
- NASA to fly into hurricane research this summer
- Borne on the wing: Avian influenza risk in US wild songbirds mapped
- Chemical quality of rivers revealed by small freshwater shrimp
Posted 2010-07-11:
- Antibody may help treat and prevent influenza outbreaks
- Better barriers can help levees withstand wave erosion
- Honey bee venom may help design new treatments to alleviate muscular dystrophy, depression and dementia
- New spin on drug delivery: Chemical engineers discover an enhanced delivery method of DNA payloads into cells
- Fireflies blink in synch to send a clear message
- Marijuana derivative could be useful for pain treatment
Posted 2010-07-10:
- Wild cat found mimicking monkey calls; Predatory trickery documented for the first time in wild felids in Americas
- Tiny clays curb big earthquakes
- Origins of multicellularity: All in the family
- Nematodes vanquish billion dollar pest
- Biologists find a way to lower tumor risk in stem cell therapies
- Redwood forest ecosystem of northern California depends on fog to stay hydrated during rainless summers
- Intoxicating fragrance: Jasmine as valium substitute
- Adding nutrients to oceans could enhance transfer of carbon dioxide from atmosphere to deep ocean
- Alternative evolution: Why change your own genes when you can borrow someone else's?
- Don't let your termites grow up to be mommies: Researchers find 'key ingredient' that regulates termite caste system
- For lambs, a pasture a week keeps blood suckers away
- Heat waves could be commonplace in the US by 2039
- First research trip across western Amazon yields surprising results
- Changing climate could alter meadows' ecosystems, says researcher
- New technology reduces storage needs and costs for genomic data
Posted 2010-07-09:
- Geoscientists find clues to why first Sumatran earthquake was deadlier than second
- Why some communities embrace environmental conservation and others don't
- Mojoceratops: New dinosaur species named for flamboyant frill
- How fast can microbes break down oil washed onto Gulf beaches?
- Fish oil may reduce risk of breast cancer
- 'Magical thinking' about islands an illusion? Biologist refutes conventional thinking on evolution
- Two new species of pancake batfishes discovered from area engulfed by oil spill
- No substantial quality difference between organically and conventionally produced eggs, study finds
- Amid the murk of 'gut flora,' vitamin D receptor emerges as a key player
- Dig discovers ancient Britons were earliest North Europeans
- Biologists identify a new clue into cellular aging
- Turning back the cellular clock: Method developed for tracking adult stem cells as they regress
- Energy yield of ‘cheap’ solar panels raised from 7 to 9 percent
- Revolutionary medical dressing uses nanotechnology to fight infection
- Road surface purifies air by removing nitrogen oxides, researchers in the Netherlands find
- One person's waste is another's resource
Posted 2010-07-08:
- Cell development: How do plants and animals end up with right number of cells in all the right places?
- Thousands of undiscovered plant species face extinction worldwide
- Isolation a threat to Great Barrier Reef fish
- Brain's energy restored during sleep, suggests animal study
- Want to slow aging? New research suggests it takes more than antioxidants
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