ScienceDaily Top Science Headlines
for Friday, July 30, 2010
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Some trees 'farm' bacteria to help supply nutrients (July 30, 2010) -- Some trees growing in nutrient-poor forest soil may get what they need by cultivating specific root microbes to create compounds they require. These microbes are exceptionally efficient at turning inorganic minerals into nutrients that the trees can use. ... > full story
Key enzyme in DNA repair pathway identified (July 30, 2010) -- Researchers have discovered an enzyme crucial to a type of DNA repair that also causes resistance to a class of cancer drugs most commonly used against ovarian cancer. ... > full story
Best hope for saving Arctic sea ice is cutting soot emissions, say researchers (July 30, 2010) -- Soot from the burning of fossil fuels and solid biofuels contributes far more to global warming than has been thought, according to a new study. But, unlike carbon dioxide, soot lingers only a few weeks in the atmosphere, so cutting emissions could have a significant and rapid impact on the climate. Controlling it may be the only option for saving the Arctic sea ice before it all melts. ... > full story
Kidney injury prevention may be possible: Watch for the warning signs (July 30, 2010) -- Reduced kidney function and protein in the urine place a person at risk for kidney injury, according to a new study. The results suggest that improved recognition of these warning signs could help reduce preventable forms of acute kidney injury. ... > full story
Researchers study benefits of white button mushrooms (July 30, 2010) -- Scientists have conducted an animal-model and cell-culture study showing that white button mushrooms enhanced the activity of critical cells in the body's immune system. ... > full story
Migrating birds can’t control themselves (July 30, 2010) -- During the spring and fall migratory seasons, sparrows become significantly less capable of resisting temptation. Researchers investigated impulse control and sleep in white-crowned sparrows during migratory and non-migratory seasons. During migratory periods, the birds slept very little and became more impulsive, but sleep loss itself was not entirely to blame for their impulsivity. ... > full story
Graphene exhibits bizarre new behavior well suited to electronic devices (July 30, 2010) -- Graphene, a sheet of pure carbon, has been touted as a possible replacement for silicon-based semiconductors because of its useful electronic properties. Now, physicists have shown that graphene has another unique and amazing property that could make it even more suitable for future electronic devices. When contorted in a specific way it sprouts nanobubbles in which electrons behave as if they are moving in a strong magnetic field. ... > full story
New pathway to Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases (July 30, 2010) -- Researchers have uncovered new clues about the cause of brain cell death in neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Huntington's diseases. ... > full story
Protein complex reveals molecular mechanism of innate immune response (July 30, 2010) -- A team of researchers at the RIKEN Plant Science Center and the Institute of Cancer Research has uncovered details of a protein complex governing innate immune response in plants and animals, with applications in the development of disease-resistant crops and treatment of human diseases. ... > full story
Women in their 40s have lower mammographic tumor detectability, study finds (July 30, 2010) -- The reduced effectiveness of mammographic screening in women in their 40s is primarily due to lower detectability instead of faster tumor growth rate, according to a new study. ... > full story
Polarstern expedition: Autonomous underwater vehicle dives under the Arctic ice (July 30, 2010) -- The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association for the first time sent its Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) on an under-ice mission at about 79° North. The four-metre-long, torpedo shaped underwater vehicle was deployed from the research icebreaker Polarstern under heavy pack ice. The vehicle was subsequently recovered by helicopter. ... > full story
Reform of primary care could reduce diagnostic errors (July 30, 2010) -- Errors in diagnosis place a heavy financial burden on an already costly health-care system, and can be devastating for affected patients. Strengthening certain aspects of a new and evolving model of comprehensive and coordinated primary care could potentially address this highly relevant, but underemphasized safety concern, say health researchers. ... > full story
Signs of reversal of Arctic cooling: Rapid temperature rise in the coldest region of mainland Europe (July 29, 2010) -- Parts of the Arctic have cooled over the past century, but temperatures have been rising steeply since 1990, according to a summer temperature reconstruction for the past 400 years produced on the base of tree rings from regions beyond the Arctic Circle. ... > full story
Adolescent vision screenings may miss farsightedness and astigmatism (July 29, 2010) -- Among adolescents, visual acuity tests appear to reliably detect vision problems caused by nearsightedness but not farsightedness or astigmatism, according to a new study. ... > full story
Laboratory in microdrops: Credit card-size microflow system handles thousands of experiments (July 29, 2010) -- Tens of thousands of chemical and biochemical experiments may be conducted daily with the use of a microflow system of the size of a credit card, developed by scientists in Poland. The device has already been tested in research on the effectiveness of antibiotic mixtures. ... > full story
One molecule, many more insulin-producing cells to treat diabetes (July 29, 2010) -- With a single stimulatory molecule, human insulin-producing beta cell replication can be sustained for at least four weeks in a mouse model of diabetes, according to new research. Scientists also found several cocktails of molecules that drive human beta cells to replicate, as well as important differences between mouse and human beta cells that could influence how these approaches are best used to treat diabetes. ... > full story
Sensing wind speed with kites (July 29, 2010) -- Researchers have developed a way to use a kite itself to measure wind speed. The instrument consists of a 2-meter-long and 1-meter-wide Rokkaku-type kite. ... > full story
To make one happy, make one busy (July 29, 2010) -- A new study found that people who have something to do, even something pointless, are happier than people who sit idly. ... > full story
Accepted theory explaining frequent eruptions at Italy’s Stromboli volcano questioned (July 29, 2010) -- One volcano that volcanologists believe they understand fairly well is Italy's Stromboli, which has been erupting every five to 20 minutes for thousands of years, spewing fountains of ash and magma several meters into the sky. For several decades, scientists have pretty much used one theory to explain what is causing huge amounts of gas to erupt so frequently: swimming-pool-sized bubbles that travel through a few hundred meters of molten magma before popping at the surface. But they may be wrong, according to new research. ... > full story
Molecular mechanism triggering Parkinson's disease identified (July 29, 2010) -- Scientists have identified a molecular pathway responsible for the death of key nerve cells whose loss causes Parkinson's disease. This discovery not only may explain how a genetic mutation linked to Parkinson's causes the cells' death, but could also open the door to new therapeutic approaches for the malady. ... > full story
Good and bad in the hands of politicians (July 29, 2010) -- Politicians' gestures can reveal their thoughts, according to a new study. In laboratory tests, right- and left-handers associate positive ideas like honesty and intelligence with their dominant side of space and negative ideas with their non-dominant side. To find out whether people link 'good' with 'dominant' beyond the laboratory, researchers examined spontaneous gestures during positive and negative speech in the final debates of the most recent US presidential elections. ... > full story
Intensive chemotherapy may be harmful to most older patients with acute myeloid leukemia (July 29, 2010) -- The prognosis for nearly three-quarters of elderly patients on intensive chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia is poor, with a median survival of less than six months, according to a new study. ... > full story
Super-rare 'elkhorn' coral found in Pacific (July 29, 2010) -- An Australian scientist has discovered what could be the world's rarest coral in the remote North Pacific Ocean. The unique Pacific elkhorn coral was found while conducting underwater surveys of Arno atoll in the Marshall Islands. ... > full story
No safe level: First study to show teenage binge drinkers harm abilities in later life (July 29, 2010) -- Researchers in the UK have demonstrated a link between teenage binge drinking and damage to prospective memory. ... > full story
Aging and longevity tied to specific brain region in mice (July 29, 2010) -- The protein SIRT1 in the brain is tied into a mechanism that allows animals to survive when food is scarce, according to a new study. The research suggests that SIRT1 may be involved with the life span-increasing effect of low-calorie diets, they report. ... > full story
New class of drugs for epileptic seizures? (July 29, 2010) -- A chemical compound that boosts the action of a molecule normally produced in the brain may provide the starting point for a new line of therapies for the treatment of epileptic seizures, according to a new study. ... > full story
More frequent, more intense heat waves in store for New York, climate scientists predict (July 29, 2010) -- Heat waves like those that baked the Northeast in July are likely to be more frequent and more intense in the future, with their effects amplified in densely built urban environments like Manhattan, according to climate scientists. ... > full story
Vitamin D deficiency linked to arterial stiffness in black teens (July 29, 2010) -- Vitamin D deficiency is associated with arterial stiffness, a risk factor for heart disease and stroke, in black teens, according to a new study. Black teens taking vitamin D supplementation of 2,000 international units per day had a decrease in central arterial stiffness. ... > full story
RNA offers a safer way to reprogram cells (July 29, 2010) -- For the first time, researchers have shown that they can deliver those same reprogramming genes using RNA, the genetic material that normally ferries instructions from DNA to the cell's protein-making machinery. This method could prove much safer than DNA-based reprogramming, say the researchers. The new technique could revert cells to an immature state that can develop into any cell type. ... > full story
Western diet link to ADHD, Australian study finds (July 29, 2010) -- A new study from Australia shows an association between ADHD and a "Western-style" diet in adolescents. The study examined the dietary patterns of 1800 adolescents from the long-term Raine Study and classified diets into 'Healthy' or 'Western' patterns. ... > full story
Swimmers at sub-tropical beaches show increased risk of illness, study suggests (July 29, 2010) -- Swimmers at sub-tropical beaches face an increased risk of illness, according to new research. Scientists examined the risk of illness that beachgoers face when exposed to recreational marine water at sub-tropical beaches with no known source of pollution or contamination. ... > full story
Mystery of healthy fat people: Why some obese people go on to become diabetic while others do not (July 29, 2010) -- It is common to find obese people – even morbidly obese people – who are healthier than their condition would normally allow. Working with subjects with a body mass index of about 56, a team of researchers investigated the inflammatory and insulin signaling pathways in the patients’ visceral adipose tissue. ... > full story
Brilliant star in a colorful neighborhood (July 29, 2010) -- A spectacular new image shows the brilliant and unusual star WR 22 and its colorful surroundings. WR 22 is a very hot and bright star that is shedding its atmosphere into space at a rate many millions of times faster than the Sun. It lies in the outer part of the dramatic Carina Nebula from which it formed. ... > full story
Glucosamine appears to provide little benefit for chronic low-back pain (July 29, 2010) -- Even though it is widely used as a therapy for low back pain, a randomized controlled trial finds that patients with chronic low-back pain and degenerative lumbar osteoarthritis who took glucosamine for six months showed little difference on measures of pain-related disability, low back and leg pain and health-related quality of life, compared to patients who received placebo, according to a new study. ... > full story
Quantum fractals at the border of magnetism (July 29, 2010) -- Physicists are reporting new results from experiments on the perplexing class of materials that includes high-temperature superconductors. The team reports the unexpected discovery of a simple fractal form of electronic excitations in ultra-low-temperature quantum magnets at the border of magnetism. ... > full story
Vaccine scares may do more harm than previously believed to a population's 'herd immunity' (July 29, 2010) -- Public immunization efforts may be much more sensitive than previously realized to small changes in the perceived costs or risks of vaccination, scientists report. In some cases, the spread of vaccine avoidance via social networks can make the difference between a minor, localized outbreak and an epidemic four times as large. ... > full story
Brainstem, spinal cord images hidden in Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel fresco (July 29, 2010) -- Michelangelo, the 16th century master painter and accomplished anatomist, appears to have hidden an image of the brainstem and spinal cord in a depiction of God in the Sistine Chapel's ceiling, a new study reports. These findings by a neurosurgeon and a medical illustrator may explain long controversial and unusual features of one of the frescoes' figures. ... > full story
Sleep disorder may signal dementia, Parkinson's disease up to 50 years early (July 29, 2010) -- A new study shows that a sleep disorder may be a sign of dementia or Parkinson's disease up to 50 years before the disorders are diagnosed. ... > full story
Planets found in unusually intimate dance around dying star (July 29, 2010) -- Astronomers have found two extrasolar planetary systems with gas giant planets locked in an orbital embrace. In one system -- a planetary pair orbiting the massive, dying star HD 200964, located roughly 223 light-years from Earth -- the intimate dance is closer and tighter than any previously seen. ... > full story
An HPV vaccine cheap enough for the developing world? Could be (July 29, 2010) -- Vaccine manufacturers in India and other developing countries may be able to produce a lower-cost HPV vaccine in spite of the complicated array of patent protections on the technology, say researchers. ... > full story
NASA simulates space exploration at remote Arctic crater site (July 29, 2010) -- NASA personnel are among a group of international researchers who are in the Canadian Arctic assessing concepts for future planetary exploration as part of the Haughton-Mars Project, or HMP-2010. Scientists are using the arid, rocky environment of the Haughton Crater on Devon Island, Canada to simulate conditions that might be encountered by explorers on other planetary bodies. The latest edition of the HMP-2010 began July 19 and includes three weeks of crew and mission control activities and robotic testing. ... > full story
Can't place that face? (July 29, 2010) -- Researchers are trying to understand the mechanisms at work in the face area of the brain called the "fusiform gyrus" by combining cognitive psychology with techniques like brain imaging and electrophysiology. This research may help business executives better match names with faces, and can lead to better facial recognition software to identify terrorists or criminals. ... > full story
Quantum phenomenon observed: Atoms form organized structure from unorganized one (July 29, 2010) -- Physicists have experimentally observed a quantum phenomenon, where an arbitrarily weak perturbation causes atoms to build an organized structure from an initially unorganized one. ... > full story
Dense bones linked to raised risk for prostate cancer (July 29, 2010) -- Men who develop prostate cancer, especially the more aggressive and dangerous forms that spread throughout the body, tend to retain denser bones as they age than men who stay free of the disease, suggests new research. ... > full story
Birth of a hurricane (July 29, 2010) -- Summer storms are a regular feature in the North Atlantic, and while most pose little threat to our shores, a choice few become devastating hurricanes. To decipher which storms could bring danger, and which will not, atmospheric scientists are heading to the tropics to observe these systems as they form and dissipate--or develop into hurricanes. ... > full story
Women with gestational diabetes have increased risk of recurrence in subsequent pregnancies, study finds (July 29, 2010) -- There is an increased risk of recurring gestational diabetes in pregnant women who developed gestational diabetes during their first and second pregnancies, according to new study. ... > full story
New tool for improving switchgrass (July 29, 2010) -- Scientists have developed a new tool for deciphering the genetics of a native prairie grass being widely studied for its potential as a biofuel. The genetic map of switchgrass is expected to speed up the search for genes that will make the perennial plant a more viable source of bioenergy. ... > full story
Teachers can close gender gap in classroom leadership during medical school, study finds (July 29, 2010) -- A new study shows that female medical students volunteer for leadership roles in the classroom significantly less than their male peers. Subtle pep talks from teachers can even out the playing field. ... > full story
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