ScienceDaily Health Headlines
for the Week of July 11 to July 18, 2010
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Posted 2010-07-17:
- Redundant genetic instructions in 'junk DNA' support healthy development
- Model predicts individual's vitamin D needs
- The image in the mirror and the number on the scale both count
- New toxin may be key to MRSA severity
- Nature's insect repellents discovered
- Investigators perfect new version of blood-regulator thrombin
- Abnormal brain activity in migraineurs is not restricted to attacks
Posted 2010-07-17:
- Improving clinical use of stem cells to repair heart damage
- Cancer drugs may help stop major parasite
- New method of tissue banking makes gene analysis more practical for lung cancer
- Studies explore effects of war on former child soldiers
- Mice cages can alter rodents’ brains and skew research results, study finds
- New discovery brings hope to treatment of incurable blood cancer
- Less salt for everybody
- Apathy and depression predict progression from mild cognitive impairment
- Genetic ancestry data improve diagnosis in asthma and lung disease
- Why walking flat-footed hurts habitual high-heels wearers: The effects of wearing high heels on women's legs
- Arthroscopic treatment of common hip problem allows athletes to return to play, study finds
- New radiation mechanism may ward off cancer, oil spills and terrorism
- Young children especially vulnerable to effects of 9/11
- Human sperm gene is 600 million years old, scientists discover
- Stroke risk temporarily increases for an hour after drinking alcohol, study finds
- Hungry cells, on a binge, know their own limits
- Researchers cut years from drug development with nanoscopic bead technology
- Meditation helps increase attention span
- Skin cells could help discover cause of Parkinson's disease
- DNA discovery opens new door to develop tools, therapies for hereditary cancers
- Toward making 'extended blood group typing' more widely available
- Using domestic spoons to give children medicine increases overdose risk, doctors warn
- Rescuing fruit flies from Alzheimer's disease
- Insight into why low calorie diet can extend lifespan -- even if adopted later in life
- Wood smoke exposure multiplies damage from smoking, increases risk of COPD
- New treatment for crippling diabetic Charcot foot
- How psychiatric risk gene disrupts brain development
- Mechanism for link between high fat diet and risk of prostate cancer and disorders unveiled
- Luteolin stars in study of healthful plant compounds
- 'Tough love' no good for obesity interventions, study finds
Posted 2010-07-16:
- First malaria-proof mosquito: Genetic manipulation renders them completely immune to the parasite
- How human immune response to virus is triggered at the atomic level
- Database for personalised cancer treatment: Largest study of genomes and cancer treatments releases first results
- Gene associated with kidney disease in African-American population identified
- Sri Lankan children affected by war, tsunami, daily stressors
- New clues to inflammatory disease discovered
- Scientists develop new way to grow adult stem cells in culture
- Inherited glycosylation disorder: Researchers find cause of metabolic disease -- and possible cure
- Diabetes shouldn't deter young athletes, study suggests
- New arsenic nanoparticle blocks aggressive breast cancer
- Dementia in diabetics differs from dementia in nondiabetics, research finds
- Conflicted meat-eaters may deny that meat-animals have the capacity to suffer, study finds
- Retrovirus replication process different than thought
- Diabetes risk: Waist circumference gives better prediction than BMI
- Behavior problems in school linked to two types of families
- Arsenic shows promise as cancer treatment, study finds
- Those who exercise when young have stronger bones when they grow old
- Supercharged proteins enter biology's forbidden zone
- Fast food chains have significantly decreased trans fats in cooking oils, study finds
- Blind mice can 'see' thanks to special retinal cells
- Major Alzheimer's risk gene causes alterations in shapes of brain protein deposits
- Finding cancer 'cold spots' can help minimize radiotherapy side-effects
- New analysis may help clarify the role of craving in addiction
- Obesity harms women's memory and brain function, study finds
- Pigs provide clues on cystic fibrosis lung disease
- Future HIV vaccines: If we build it, will they come?
- Risks of banned drug mephedrone revealed in new research
- Spanish gene expression data promise targeting of anti-angiogenesis treatment
- Waterborne diseases could cost over 0 million annually in US
- When does obesity become a child protection issue?
- Toxicity increases with combined chemo/radiation treatments for nasopharyngeal carcinoma
- Device achieves 90 percent closure rate for atrial septal defect in children; Biodegradable implant avoids risks associated with metal devices
- Hurricane Katrina's effects on children: Resilience and gender
Posted 2010-07-15:
- Severe vasculitis: After 40 years, researchers identify possible new treatment
- Plavix may be treatment for dogs at risk of thromboembolic disease
- Brain fitness program study reveals visual memory improvement in older adults
- High-risk prostate cancer associated with significantly lower bone mineral content loss
- Cashew seed extract an effective anti-diabetic, study shows
- Brain responses of obese individuals are more weakly linked to feelings of hunger
- Water's unexpected role in blood pressure control
- Tea may contain more fluoride than once thought, research shows
- Medications found to cause long term cognitive impairment of aging brain, study finds
- Consumers under-predict learning curve following initial experience with product
- Problematic blood clotting contributes to Alzheimer’s disease
- 'Cool' imagery lowers hot flashes through hypnotherapy
- Lifelong doubling in death risk for men who are obese at age 20, study finds
- New generation of biological scaffolds
- Great apes 'play' tag to keep competitive advantage
- Smoking influences gene function, scientists say
- Researchers fighting bacterial infections zero in on microorganism's soft spots
- Prolonged training at altitude could decrease athletes’ performance
- Smoking mind over smoking matter: Surprising new study shows cigarette cravings result from habit, not addiction
- Divide and conquer: Genes decide who wins in the body's battle against cancer
- Dental researchers discover human beta defensin-3 ignites in oral cancer growth
- Keep your fingers crossed: How superstition improves performance
- Interferon might help asthma patients breathe easier, study suggests
- Could our minds be tricked into satisfying our stomachs?
- Nearly 5 percent exposed to dengue virus in Florida's Key West, report suggests
- Many physicians do not accept responsibility to report incompetent, impaired colleagues
- Facial recognition at first glance: Humans and monkeys perceive faces of kin immediately
- No evidence that popular slimming supplements facilitate weight loss, new research finds
- Childhood cancer survivors face higher death risk 25 years later, from cancer, circulatory diseases
- Brooding Russians: Less distressed than Americans
- Scientists urge global investment and action plan to avert impending aging crisis
- Suicide attempt method affects prognosis, study finds
Posted 2010-07-14:
- Finding may pave way for new treatments for muscle wasting diseases
- Modulator of fetal hemoglobin switch may target sickle cell disease
- Telecommuters with flextime stay balanced up to 19 hours longer
- Gene therapy breakthrough heralds treatment for beta-thalassemia
- Radiation after mastectomy improves breast cancer survival, study finds
- Why (smart) practice makes perfect
- Whisker stimulation prevents strokes in rats; Stimulating fingers, lips and face may also work in humans
- Larger head size may protect against Alzheimer's symptoms
- New preimplantation genetic screening method can predict chromosomal abnormalities, study shows
- Avatars as lifelike representations and effective marketing tools
- Fly's brain -- a high-speed computer: Neurobiologists use state-of-the-art methods to decode the basics of motion detection
- Mice essentially 'cured' of mild diabetes with enzyme
- Gene mutation that causes rare form of deafness identified
- New 3-D imaging techniques for improved lung cancer drug development
- Person's language may influence how he or she thinks about other people
- Engineering could give reconstructive surgery a facelift
- Low vitamin D levels associated with cognitive decline
- Mechanism that determines prostate cancer aggressiveness uncovered
- Children and teens with Tourette syndrome find relief with self-hypnosis
- Baby brain growth mirrors changes from apes to humans
- Vitamin D levels associated with Parkinson's disease risk
- Salsa and guacamole increasingly important causes of foodborne disease
- Obstructive sleep apnea linked with later risk of heart disease
- Surgeons find new way to shield vision during radiation for eye cancer: Silicon oil
- For speediest athletes, it's all in the center of gravity
- Scientists create army of tumor-fighting immune cells and watch as they attack cancer
- Smoking-related colorectal cancer in older women is associated with molecularly defined DNA changes
- Ethical, scientific issues related to 'post-market' clinical trials
- Eating foods rich in vitamin E associated with lower dementia risk
- High potassium? Check your antibiotic
- Radiation device allows for targeted breast radiation to control cancer, study finds
- Supportive community programs can prevent women from gaining weight
- Criminalization of drugs and drug users fuels HIV; laws should be reviewed, say experts
- New vitamin D guidelines: Physicians say Canadians should be taking more supplements
- Help is on the phone: Reducing pain and depression of cancer
- Regional variations in kidney care raise questions about spending, says Stanford nephrologist
- Locker room talk: How male athletes portray female athletic trainers
- Progress made in addressing food marketing to children, but challenges remain
- Success of community interventions for childhood obesity varies depending on the target age group
Posted 2010-07-13:
- Antidepressants make shrimps see the light
- Antisense therapy for spinal muscular atrophy shows promise
- Universal HIV testing and immediate treatment could reduce but not eliminate HIV/AIDS epidemic
- Bars, restaurants see no significant employment change under smoking bans in two cities
- Expecting the unexpected does not improve one's chances of seeing it, new study finds
- One in four not covering coughs, sneezes
- New way to expand donor pool for transplant organs?
- Stem cell transplantation successfully treats therapy-resistant chronic leukemia, German study finds
- Simple two-question survey can better identify hungry children
- Mouse stem cell study offers new insights into body fat distribution
- Dogs may help collar Chagas disease: Researchers propose new ways to combat prevalent public health challenge
- Making the invisible visible: Verbal cues enhance visual detection
- Fibers that can hear and sing: Fibers created that detect and produce sound
- New method helps nerves grow after trauma or injury
- Mexican salamander helps uncover mysteries of stem cells and evolution
- Honey as an antibiotic: Scientists identify a secret ingredient in honey that kills bacteria
- First preliminary profile of proteins in bed bugs' saliva
- Wet breathing system filters transmit harmful bacteria and yeast, hospitals warned
- Eye movements and sight distance reveal how drivers negotiate winding roads
- Plasma protein appears to be associated with development and severity of Alzheimer's disease
- Protein identified which helps cancer cells to survive stressful conditions
- Violence, not overdose, the likely method of suicide in veterans with substance use disorders
- Fat cells play key role in development of type 2 diabetes
- To predict atherosclerosis, follow the disturbed blood flow
- Mathematical models for breast cancer detection with microwave tomography are cheaper and less risky, research finds
- Big picture: Lipid ordering visualized in a living vertebrate organism
- Should the results of individual genetic studies be disclosed to participants?
- Length of biological marker associated with risk of cancer
- Majority of fevers in African children are not caused by malaria, study finds
- Healthy made up over half of UK swine flu admissions and inpatient deaths in first wave
- Diversity of grieving among Alzheimer's caregivers
Posted 2010-07-12:
- Painkillers not linked with heart disease in elderly patients and may protect against death, study finds
- Plant extract may be effective against inflammatory bowel disease
- Home care equivalent to hospital care for some patients with cystic fibrosis, study finds
- Nanoparticles shrink tumors in mice
- Novel protein being tested as potential target in Alzheimer's treatment
- Hereditary kidney disease linked to genetic location
- New retrieval method makes studying cancer proteins easier
- Rituals that target customers not always good for business
- A fateful pause: Genetic mechanism once thought rare may allow rapid cell production
- Borne on the wing: Avian influenza risk in US wild songbirds mapped
- Higher-protein diets support weight loss, but may lower bone density in postmenopausal women
- Simple massage relieves chronic tension headache, study finds
Posted 2010-07-11:
- Antibody may help treat and prevent influenza outbreaks
- Protein that predicts prognosis of leukemia patients may also be a therapeutic target
- Moms' favoritism tied to depression in adulthood
- Researchers use robot to determine how human strangers develop trust
- Honey bee venom may help design new treatments to alleviate muscular dystrophy, depression and dementia
- New spin on drug delivery: Chemical engineers discover an enhanced delivery method of DNA payloads into cells
- Severe angina poses three times the coronary artery disease risk for women than men
- Homicide and suicide rates among mentally ill on the decline, UK study finds
- Scientists use computer algorithms to develop seasonal flu vaccines
- Simple diagnostic tool predicts Type 2 diabetes in Southeast Asians
- Marijuana derivative could be useful for pain treatment
Posted 2010-07-10:
- Neural stem cells attack glioblastoma cells
- Study suggests link between scleroderma, cancer in certain patients
- What do you want to be when you grow up, Mr. Doctor?
- Early Alzheimer's identification method discovered
- Extremely obese children have 40 percent higher risk of reflux disease of esophagus, study finds
- Executives who take the fewest risks have the most negative emotions, Spanish study finds
- Biologists find a way to lower tumor risk in stem cell therapies
- Intoxicating fragrance: Jasmine as valium substitute
- Who is likely to become a bully, victim or both? New research shows poor problem-solving increases risk for all
- HPV infection linked to increased risk of skin cancer
- New way diseases can develop: Previously unknown mechanism directs gene expression in cells
- Teen moms more likely to have premature babies, study finds
- Sweet way to detect prediabetes
- Researchers identify factors behind blood-making stem cells
- Better-looking politicians get more media coverage
- New way to slow the growth of malignant melanoma
- Researchers discover trigger to early, effective antibody response
- Teens drink more during summer before college, study finds
- Antibodies found that prevent most HIV strains from infecting human cells
- Heart beat may provide clues to kidney health
- Protein inhibitor revives chemotherapy for ovarian patients
- New technology reduces storage needs and costs for genomic data
- Medicare policy may account for growing length of hospice stays in nursing homes
Posted 2010-07-09:
- Scientists reprogram triple-negative breast cancer cells to respond to tamoxifen
- Surgery linked to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, according to Spanish study
- One in five preschool children in the U. S. demonstrates mental health issues when entering kindergarten
- Baseline PSA predicts risk of death from prostate cancer
- Fish oil may reduce risk of breast cancer
- Musical skill reflects working memory capacity in addition to practice time
- Chemical makes brain cells grow, thwarts mental decline in aging rats
- Stress of an enriched environment might curb cancer growth; Effect linked to a brain-fat-hormone pathway
- New surgery improves outcomes for severe flat foot deformity
- Drug delivery system uses nanoparticles triggered by electromagnetic field
- A healthy mind makes a healthy body in teens
- Genetically reprogrammed HSV given systemically shrinks distant sarcomas
- Amid the murk of 'gut flora,' vitamin D receptor emerges as a key player
- Pinpoint precision: Delivering a biochemical payload to one cell
- Delayed school start time associated with improvements in adolescent behaviors
- Biologists identify a new clue into cellular aging
- Fouls go left: Soccer referees may be biased based on play's direction of motion
- Cholesterol's other way out
- New computer program accurately simulates protein folding dramatically faster than previous methods
- Therapist competence matters -- and more for some patients than others
- Previously unknown natural mechanism controls cocaine use
- Turning back the cellular clock: Method developed for tracking adult stem cells as they regress
- Knee arthritis? Flexible options can help keep you active
- Predicting relationship breakups with a word-association task
- Revolutionary medical dressing uses nanotechnology to fight infection
- Genetic ancestry data improve diagnosis in asthma and lung disease
- Robots preclude neck incision for thyroid surgery
- Women with gestational diabetes: Common glucose test also accurately predicts adult-onset diabetes, study finds
- Muted emotions misleading in Alzheimer's disease, study suggests
- Inactivity 'no contributor' to childhood obesity epidemic, new report suggests
- Hospital hyperglycemia may predict future diabetes
- Map of herpes virus protein suggests a new drug therapy
- First transoral and transvaginal gallbladder removals performed as part of US multicenter human trial
- Perfusion CT may be used as a noninvasive tool in detection of hepatic toxicity
- Functional MRI may predict response of hepatocellular carcinoma to chemoembolization
- Is biopsy avoidable on diagnosis of celiac disease?
- European Society for Medical Oncology publishes updated guidelines on cancer care
Posted 2010-07-08:
- How active immune tolerance makes pregnancy possible
- Link between brain activity and Parkinson's disease symptoms: New strategy for treating movement disorders identified
- New method for identifying the causes of X-linked genetic disorders
- High blood levels of vitamin E reduces risk of Alzheimer's, Swedish study finds
- New target for treatment of advanced prostate cancer
- Virtual food causes stress in patients affected by eating disorders
- Cancer deaths continue to drop
- Multicolor quantum dots aid in cancer biopsy diagnosis
- Autism-related study discovers how drug interferes with neuronal cell function
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