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Friday, July 2, 2010

ScienceDaily Environment Headlines -- for Friday, July 2, 2010

ScienceDaily Environment Headlines

for Friday, July 2, 2010

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Killer whales and the mystery of human menopause (July 2, 2010) -- The evolutionary mystery of menopause is a step closer to being solved thanks to research on killer whales. A new study has found a link between killer whales, pilot whales and humans -- the only three known species where females stop breeding relatively early in their lifespan. ... > full story

Researchers identify what makes MRSA lethal (July 2, 2010) -- Scientists studying the so-called “superbug” MRSA have identified one of the components responsible for making it so deadly. Scientists have proven for the first time that a protein called FnBP is central to the bacteria's ability to invade the body's organs. ... > full story

New heat-tolerant beans released (July 2, 2010) -- New bean germplasm lines containing heat, drought and disease tolerance are being released by agricultural scientists. ... > full story

Extinction of woolly mammoth, saber-toothed cat may have been caused by human predators (July 1, 2010) -- A new analysis of the extinction of woolly mammoths and other large mammals more than 10,000 years ago suggests that they may have fallen victim to the same type of "trophic cascade" of ecosystem disruption that scientists say is being caused today by the global decline of predators such as wolves, cougars and sharks. ... > full story

Switching off your lights has a bigger impact than you might think, says new study (July 1, 2010) -- Switching off lights, turning the television off at the mains and using cooler washing cycles could have a much bigger impact on reducing carbon dioxide emissions from power stations than previously thought, according to a new study. Researchers in the UK show that the figure used by government advisers to estimate the amount of carbon dioxide saved by reducing people's electricity consumption is up to 60 percent too low. ... > full story

Emissions of greenhouse gases methane and nitrous oxide underestimated, research suggests (July 1, 2010) -- The emission of the greenhouse gases methane and nitrous oxide has been structurally underestimated, as a result of the measuring methods used, according to new research from the Netherlands. ... > full story

Complex, multicellular life from over two billion years ago discovered (July 1, 2010) -- The discovery in Gabon of more than 250 fossils in an excellent state of conservation has provided proof, for the first time, of the existence of multicellular organisms 2.1 billion years ago. This finding represents a major breakthrough: until now, the first complex life forms (made up of several cells) dated from around 600 million years ago. These new fossils, of various shapes and sizes, imply that the origin of organized life is a lot older than is generally admitted, thus challenging current knowledge on the beginning of life. ... > full story

Exposure to secondhand smoke in the womb has lifelong impact, study finds (July 1, 2010) -- Newborns of nonsmoking moms exposed to secondhand smoke during pregnancy have genetic mutations that may affect long-term health, according to a new study. The abnormalities, which were indistinguishable from those found in newborns of mothers who were active smokers, may affect survival, birth weight and lifelong susceptibility to diseases like cancer. ... > full story

Apples grow larger when cells don't divide, study shows (July 1, 2010) -- Horticultural experts found that an anomaly in some Gala apple trees causes some apples to grow much larger than others because cells aren't splitting. The findings showed that the new variety, called Grand Gala, is about 38 percent heavier and has a diameter 15 percent larger than regular Galas. ... > full story

Better way to battle mosquitoes: Research could provide more effective treatment against West Nile Virus (July 1, 2010) -- A Canadian study has found that rather than cleaning and treating catch basins in the spring with S-methoprene to control mosquitoes, authorities should clean catch basins in the fall, allow organic debris to accumulate, and then treat catch basins with S-methoprene in the spring. This method dramatically reduces the number of mosquitoes that make it to the adult stage and may have implications for West Nile virus. ... > full story

Some males react to competition like bonobos, others like chimpanzees (July 1, 2010) -- The average man experiences hormone changes similar to the passive bonobo prior to competition, but a "status-striving" man undergoes changes that mirror those found in a chimpanzee, say researchers. ... > full story

New technique improves efficiency of biofuel production (July 1, 2010) -- Researchers have developed a more efficient technique for producing biofuels from woody plants that significantly reduces the waste that results from conventional biofuel production techniques. The technique is a significant step toward creating a commercially viable new source of biofuels. ... > full story

Ovarian transplantation restores fertility to old mice and also lengthens their lives (July 1, 2010) -- Scientists have discovered that when they transplant ovaries from young mice into aging female mice, not only does the procedure make the mice fertile again, but also it rejuvenates their behavior and increases their lifespan. ... > full story

Human-made global warming started with ancient hunters (July 1, 2010) -- Even before the dawn of agriculture, people may have caused the planet to warm up, a new study suggests. ... > full story

Genetic Code 2.0: Novel artificial proteins for industry and science (July 1, 2010) -- The creation of synthetic proteins plays an important role for economy and science. By the integration of artificial amino acids in proteins (genetic code engineering), their already existing qualities can be systematically improved, allowing new biological features to arise. Now, scientists in Germany have succeeded in taking another important step in this research area: For the first time, they were able to integrate three different synthetic amino acids into one protein in a single experiment. ... > full story

Flowering and freezing tolerance linked in wheat, study shows (July 1, 2010) -- New research by wheat geneticists could lead to new strategies for improving freezing tolerance in wheat, which provides more than one-fifth of the calories consumed by people around the world. ... > full story

Warmer ecosystems could absorb less atmospheric carbon dioxide (July 1, 2010) -- A predicted rise in global temperature of 4 C by 2100 could lead to a 13 percent reduction in ecosystems' ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, new research suggests. ... > full story

'Balanced' ecosystems seen in organic agriculture better at controlling pests, research finds (July 1, 2010) -- There really is a balance of nature, but as accepted as that thought is, it has rarely been studied. Now, researchers have found that more balanced animal and plant communities typical of organic farms work better at fighting pests and growing a better plant. ... > full story

Stability and utility of floating wind turbines shown in new study (July 1, 2010) -- While offshore wind turbines have already have been constructed as a renewable energy solution, they've traditionally been situated in shallow waters, where the tower extends directly into the seabed. Now a group of researchers in California has studied the feasibility of placing wind turbines on floating platforms. ... > full story

System that controls sleep may be same for most mammals (June 30, 2010) -- In a novel mathematical model that reproduces sleep patterns for multiple species, an international team of researchers has demonstrated that the neural circuitry that controls the sleep/wake cycle in humans may also control the sleep patterns of 17 different mammalian species. ... > full story

Chromosomal variations found in early passage female embryonic stem cells (June 30, 2010) -- Scientists have uncovered that variations in X chromosome inactivation take place in very early passages of female human embryonic stem cells lines, information that will play an important role in ensuring the safety of cells grown for therapeutic use and a discovery that also may have implications in the development of cancer. ... > full story

Feast and famine: MRI reveals secrets of animal anatomy (June 30, 2010) -- Scientists have used Computer Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI to reveal, for the first time noninvasively, how a snake adapts its internal organs in preparation for a big meal and during digestion, until it has disappeared completely. The images could be valuable supplements to traditional textbook sketches, diminishing the need for invasive research and dissections. ... > full story

Key mechanism links virgin olive oil to protection against breast cancer (June 30, 2010) -- Researchers in Spain have discovered a key mechanism by which virgin olive oil, in contrast to other vegetable oils, protects the body against breast cancer. ... > full story

Climate change scientists turn up the heat in Alaska (June 30, 2010) -- Scientists are planning a large-scale, long-term ecosystem experiment to test the effects of global warming on the icy layers of arctic permafrost. ... > full story

Zapping Titan-like atmosphere with UV rays creates life precursors (June 30, 2010) -- The first experimental evidence showing how atmospheric nitrogen can be incorporated into organic macromolecules is being reported by researchers. The finding indicates what organic molecules might be found on Titan, the moon of Saturn that scientists think is a model for the chemistry of pre-life Earth. Earth and Titan are the only known planetary-sized bodies that have thick, predominantly nitrogen atmospheres. ... > full story

Putting muscle into birdsong: Wide range of pitch is due to vocal muscles more than air pressure (June 30, 2010) -- Female zebra finches don't sing but make one-note, low-pitch calls. Males sing over a wide range of frequencies. Scientists discovered how: The males' stronger vocal muscles, not the pressure of air flowing through their lungs, lets them sing from the B note above middle C all the way to a whistle beyond the high end of a piano keyboard. ... > full story

Nitrate in beetroot juice lowers blood pressure, study finds (June 30, 2010) -- The nitrate content of beetroot juice is the underlying cause of its blood pressure lowering benefits, research reveals. A new study finds that blood pressure was lowered within 24 hours in people who took nitrate tablets, and people who drank beetroot juice. ... > full story

Olympic gold? A new effect of caffeine boosts performance (June 30, 2010) -- UK scientists show for the first time that high doses of caffeine directly increase muscle power and endurance during sub-maximal activities, which in humans ranges from everyday activities to running a marathon. With no current regulations in place, the scientists believe their findings may have implications for the use of caffeine in sport to improve performance. ... > full story

Hunting weapon 10,000 years old found in melting ice patch (June 30, 2010) -- A researcher has discovered a 10,000-year-old atlatl dart that had melted out of an ice patch in the Rocky Mountains. Climate change has increased global temperatures and accelerated melting of permanent ice fields, exposing organic materials that have long been entombed in the ice. ... > full story

Desert bats reveal the secret of their survival (June 30, 2010) -- Desert bats reduce water loss by changing the make-up of their skin, allowing them to thrive in some of the world's most inhospitable environments. This is surprising given the anatomy of bats and the energy they expend in flight and may provide significant insight into how bats might respond to a future changing climate. ... > full story

Mystery unraveled: How asbestos causes cancer (June 30, 2010) -- More than 20 million people in the US, and many more worldwide, who have been exposed to asbestos are at risk of developing mesothelioma, a malignant cancer of the membranes that cover the lungs and abdomen that is resistant to current therapies. Moreover, asbestos exposure increases the risk of lung cancer among smokers. For the past 40 years researchers have tried to understand why asbestos causes cancer. ... > full story

Discovery of controlled swarm in bacteria: Could help design new strategies to increase sensitivity to antibiotics (June 30, 2010) -- Researchers have described one of the mechanisms in which pathogenic bacteria populations control the way they spread over the surface of the organs they infect and stop when they detect the presence of an antibiotic, only to resume again when the effect wears off. The star of this process is the RecA protein, which significantly increases its concentration at the start of the bacteria DNA repair mechanism. ... > full story

Returning farmland to wilderness in Tanzania (June 30, 2010) -- The Swiss wanted to rear cattle in Tanzania and in so doing completely disturbed the ecosystem: the example of the Mkwaja Ranch shows how dependent agriculture is on a functioning ecosystem. And what a serious effect its encroachment can have on a sensitive balance. ... > full story

Depressed mice could aid research on drug-resistant depression in humans (June 30, 2010) -- New research shows that a unique strain of laboratory mice has behavioral, hormonal, and neurochemical characteristics that are similar to those of human patients with drug-resistant forms of depression. The mice -- which have a defect in a gene -- are expected to be useful as a new model organism in the effort to develop more effective medications for specific forms of depression. ... > full story

Viral protein structure study offers HIV therapy hope (June 30, 2010) -- A new research project is helping further the understanding of HIV viral protein structure which could lead to new molecular medicines. ... > full story

When two parts of the Earth's crust break apart, this does not always cause massive volcanic eruptions (June 30, 2010) -- New research reveals that when two parts of the Earth's crust break apart, this does not always cause massive volcanic eruptions. The study explains why some parts of the world saw massive volcanic eruptions millions of years ago and others did not. ... > full story

Smarter lunchrooms lead kids to eat more salad (June 30, 2010) -- In a year-long study in an upstate New York middle school, researchers examined the effect of moving the salad bar to a more prominent location in the cafeteria. Results show that sales of certain salad bar items increased by 250-300 percent. ... > full story

Arctic climate may be more sensitive to warming than thought, says new study (June 30, 2010) -- A new study shows the Arctic climate system may be more sensitive to greenhouse warming than previously thought, and that current levels of Earth's atmospheric carbon dioxide may be high enough to bring about significant, irreversible shifts in Arctic ecosystems. ... > full story

Engineered antibodies directed against a promising therapeutic target on ovarian cancer cells (June 30, 2010) -- Stealthy and stubborn, ovarian cancer is a particularly vexing malignancy, difficult to diagnose in early stages and difficult to treat once it progresses further. However, research is now focusing on one of the most promising new approaches to dealing with the disease -- using engineered antibodies to target tumor cells while leaving healthy cells intact. ... > full story

Whiter clouds could mean wetter land (June 29, 2010) -- One proposed emergency fix for global warming is to seed clouds over the ocean to make them more reflective, reducing the solar radiation absorbed by the Earth. But the scheme could also change global rainfall patterns, raising concerns of water shortages on land. A new study suggests that the scheme could actually increase monsoonal rains and cause continents to become wetter, not drier, on average. ... > full story

Is this the perfect prawn? (June 29, 2010) -- After 10 years of careful breeding and research, scientists have developed what could be the world's most perfect prawn. ... > full story

Science uncovers the hidden secrets of world-famous paintings (June 29, 2010) -- The hidden secrets of some of the world's most famous paintings have been revealed, thanks to a partnership between the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the National Gallery. ... > full story

Conscious choice of food can substantially mitigate climate change, research finds (June 29, 2010) -- Reducing the consumption of meat and dairy products and improving agricultural practices could decrease global greenhouse gas emissions substantially. By 2055 the emissions of methane and nitrous oxide from agriculture could be cut by more than eighty percent, researchers have found in a new modeling study. ... > full story

Delta bulrush plant could help ease oil spill crisis, botanist says (June 29, 2010) -- A botanist who first profiled and named the delta bulrush says the plant has natural properties that could help reduce the impact of the Gulf oil spill on the Mississippi delta. ... > full story

Embryonic cell and adult pig islet transplants cure diabetes in rats (June 29, 2010) -- In a step toward curing diabetes in humans, scientists have alleviated the disease in rats using transplants from both embryonic and adult pigs. ... > full story

Bees help to beat MRSA bugs (June 29, 2010) -- Bees could have a key role to play in urgently needed new treatments to fight the virulent MRSA bug, according new research from Scotland. ... > full story

Even the midnight sun won't convince bees to work nights (June 29, 2010) -- Bees observe a strict working day, even in conditions of 24-hour sunlight. Researchers tagged worker bumblebees with a radio identifier, similar to an Oyster Card, which was used to monitor their movements during the constant light of the Arctic summer. ... > full story

Biologically inspired technology produces sugar from photosynthetic bacteria (June 29, 2010) -- Researchers have engineered photosynthetic bacteria to produce simple sugars and lactic acid. This innovation could lead to new, environmentally friendly methods for producing commodity chemicals in bulk. It could also lead to reduced carbon dioxide emissions, greater availability of biodegradable plastics, and the capture of harmful CO2 emissions from power plants and industrial facilities. ... > full story

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