ScienceDaily Top Science Headlines
for Friday, July 2, 2010
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Killer whales and the mystery of human menopause (July 2, 2010) -- The evolutionary mystery of menopause is a step closer to being solved thanks to research on killer whales. A new study has found a link between killer whales, pilot whales and humans -- the only three known species where females stop breeding relatively early in their lifespan. ... > full story
UVA radiation damages DNA in human melanocyte skin cells and can lead to melanoma (July 2, 2010) -- A new study has found that UVA radiation damages the DNA in human melanocyte cells, causing mutations that can lead to melanoma. Melanocytes, which contain a substance called melanin that darkens the skin to protect it from the ultraviolet rays of the sun, are more vulnerable to UVA radiation than normal skin cells because they are unable to repair themselves as efficiently. ... > full story
Researchers identify what makes MRSA lethal (July 2, 2010) -- Scientists studying the so-called “superbug” MRSA have identified one of the components responsible for making it so deadly. Scientists have proven for the first time that a protein called FnBP is central to the bacteria's ability to invade the body's organs. ... > full story
Overweight women undertaking ART twice as likely to miscarry as their slimmer counterparts, study finds (July 2, 2010) -- Being overweight leads to a greater risk of miscarriage for patients undergoing assisted reproductive technology, according to a new study. ... > full story
World of lights in the microcosmos (July 2, 2010) -- Light-emitting diodes are gaining ground: They are now being used as background lighting for displays. But the manufacturing of complex LED optics is still complex and expensive. A new technology is revolutionizing production: Large-scale LED components can now be manufactured cost-effectively. ... > full story
Science of soccer: Ball aerodynamics focus of research (July 2, 2010) -- With the attention of sports fans worldwide focused on South Africa and the 2010 FIFA World Cup, US scientist John Eric Goff has made the aerodynamics of the soccer ball a focus of his research. ... > full story
X-ray satellite homes in on a black hole's jets (July 2, 2010) -- Astronomers using NASA's Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer satellite, together with optical, infrared and radio data, find that, at times, most of the X-rays come from Black Hole jets. ... > full story
Genetic regulator opens new avenues to AIDS, immune system research (July 2, 2010) -- Researchers have discovered a genetic regulator that plays a key role in the formation of "T cells," a type of white blood cell. The discovery suggests that some types of immune function might be influenced by manipulation of this genetic regulator. This could be a target for drug development, and could open the door to new immune system-based therapies for everything from diseases of T cells, such as HIV/AIDS, to autoimmune disorders and allergies. ... > full story
New heat-tolerant beans released (July 2, 2010) -- New bean germplasm lines containing heat, drought and disease tolerance are being released by agricultural scientists. ... > full story
How to rapily assess children's tooth decay risk (July 2, 2010) -- Researchers have determined that ATP-driven (adenosine triphosphate-driven) bioluminescence -- a way of measuring visible light generated from ATP contained in bacteria -- is an innovative tool for rapidly assessing in children at the chair-side the number of oral bacteria and amount of plaque that can ultimately lead to tooth decay. ... > full story
All-natural personal care products: Chemical engineer patents enzymatic preparation to make natural ingredients in the lab (July 2, 2010) -- A chemical engineer has developed and patented a chemical structure to make all-natural personal care products and purer pharmaceuticals in the laboratory. ... > full story
Stem cell scientist leads effort to prevent fraudulent treatment (July 2, 2010) -- Leading stem cell researchers from institutions around the world are issuing warnings about unproven stem cell therapies being marketed on the Internet and have launched a website to educate and protect patients seeking such treatments. Often conducted outside of the United States, most of these therapies have little or no benefit -- and can be dangerous as well as costly. ... > full story
Extinction of woolly mammoth, saber-toothed cat may have been caused by human predators (July 1, 2010) -- A new analysis of the extinction of woolly mammoths and other large mammals more than 10,000 years ago suggests that they may have fallen victim to the same type of "trophic cascade" of ecosystem disruption that scientists say is being caused today by the global decline of predators such as wolves, cougars and sharks. ... > full story
Stem-cell therapy may provide new approach to fight infection (July 1, 2010) -- A new study shows that treatment with mesenchymal stem cells can triple survival rates in mice with sepsis, a deadly condition that can occur when an infection spreads throughout the body. The treatment reduced the damaging effects of inflammation and increased the body's ability to clear the infection. Mesenchymal stem cells are found in adult bone marrow and they have been used extensively in clinical trials in humans for other conditions. ... > full story
Acupuncture improves exercise tolerance in heart patients, German study finds (July 1, 2010) -- Acupuncture can improve exercise tolerance in patients suffering from chronic heart failure, according to a clinical pilot study by a team in Germany. ... > full story
Increasing fertility threefold with DHEA? (July 1, 2010) -- Scientists have found a statistical connection between the vitamin supplement DHEA, used to counter the effects of aging, and successful pregnancy rates in women undergoing treatment for infertility. In the first controlled study on the effects of the supplement, researchers found that women being treated for infertility who also received supplements of DHEA were three times more likely to conceive than women being treated without the additional drug. ... > full story
Switching off your lights has a bigger impact than you might think, says new study (July 1, 2010) -- Switching off lights, turning the television off at the mains and using cooler washing cycles could have a much bigger impact on reducing carbon dioxide emissions from power stations than previously thought, according to a new study. Researchers in the UK show that the figure used by government advisers to estimate the amount of carbon dioxide saved by reducing people's electricity consumption is up to 60 percent too low. ... > full story
Reading the look of love (July 1, 2010) -- How fast you can judge whether a person of the opposite sex is looking at you depends on how masculine or feminine they look, according to a new study. The researchers speculate that there may be an evolutionary advantage to quickly noticing when a 'hottie' is looking at you. ... > full story
Man in the Moon has 'graphite whiskers' (July 1, 2010) -- In a new analysis of a lunar sample collected by Apollo 17, researchers have detected and dated carbon on the moon in the form of graphite -- the sooty stuff of pencil lead -- which survived from around 3.8 billion years ago, when the moon was heavily bombarded by meteorites. Up to now, scientists thought the trace amounts of carbon previously detected on the surface of the moon came from the solar wind. ... > full story
DNA mutation rates raise curtain on cause of cancer (July 1, 2010) -- What if we could understand why cancer develops? One idea that has emerged is that for a cell to transform into a cancer cell it must suffer a large number of mutations affecting different genes needed to control cell growth. Researchers have found that the process of repairing DNA damage also unexpectedly increases the rate of mutations and changes the kinds of mutations that arise. ... > full story
Work-life balance: Brain stem cells need their rest, too (July 1, 2010) -- Stem cells in the brain remain dormant until called upon to divide and make more neurons. However, little has been known about the molecular guards that keep them quiet. Now scientists have identified the signal that prevents stem cells from proliferating, protecting the brain against too much cell division and ensuring a pool of neural stem cells that lasts a lifetime. ... > full story
Higher testosterone may raise risk of heart disease in elderly men (July 1, 2010) -- A large new study shows that older men with higher testosterone levels are more likely to have a heart attack or other cardiovascular disease in the future. ... > full story
Emissions of greenhouse gases methane and nitrous oxide underestimated, research suggests (July 1, 2010) -- The emission of the greenhouse gases methane and nitrous oxide has been structurally underestimated, as a result of the measuring methods used, according to new research from the Netherlands. ... > full story
Vast majority of physicians practice 'defensive medicine,' according to physician survey (July 1, 2010) -- A survey has found that 91 percent of physicians believe concerns over malpractice lawsuits result in "defensive medicine," ordering more tests and procedures than necessary as a protective measure. ... > full story
Complex, multicellular life from over two billion years ago discovered (July 1, 2010) -- The discovery in Gabon of more than 250 fossils in an excellent state of conservation has provided proof, for the first time, of the existence of multicellular organisms 2.1 billion years ago. This finding represents a major breakthrough: until now, the first complex life forms (made up of several cells) dated from around 600 million years ago. These new fossils, of various shapes and sizes, imply that the origin of organized life is a lot older than is generally admitted, thus challenging current knowledge on the beginning of life. ... > full story
Exposure to secondhand smoke in the womb has lifelong impact, study finds (July 1, 2010) -- Newborns of nonsmoking moms exposed to secondhand smoke during pregnancy have genetic mutations that may affect long-term health, according to a new study. The abnormalities, which were indistinguishable from those found in newborns of mothers who were active smokers, may affect survival, birth weight and lifelong susceptibility to diseases like cancer. ... > full story
Apples grow larger when cells don't divide, study shows (July 1, 2010) -- Horticultural experts found that an anomaly in some Gala apple trees causes some apples to grow much larger than others because cells aren't splitting. The findings showed that the new variety, called Grand Gala, is about 38 percent heavier and has a diameter 15 percent larger than regular Galas. ... > full story
Better way to battle mosquitoes: Research could provide more effective treatment against West Nile Virus (July 1, 2010) -- A Canadian study has found that rather than cleaning and treating catch basins in the spring with S-methoprene to control mosquitoes, authorities should clean catch basins in the fall, allow organic debris to accumulate, and then treat catch basins with S-methoprene in the spring. This method dramatically reduces the number of mosquitoes that make it to the adult stage and may have implications for West Nile virus. ... > full story
Beverages leave 'geographic signatures' that can track people's movements (July 1, 2010) -- The bottled water, soda pop or micro brew-beer that you drank in Pittsburgh, Dallas, Denver or 30 other American cities contains a natural chemical imprint related to geographic location. When you consume these beverage you may leave a chemical imprint in your hair that could be used to track your travels over time, a new study suggests. ... > full story
Some males react to competition like bonobos, others like chimpanzees (July 1, 2010) -- The average man experiences hormone changes similar to the passive bonobo prior to competition, but a "status-striving" man undergoes changes that mirror those found in a chimpanzee, say researchers. ... > full story
'Butterfly effect' in the brain makes the brain intrinsically unreliable (July 1, 2010) -- Next time your brain plays tricks on you, you have an excuse: according to new research, the brain is intrinsically unreliable. ... > full story
Melanoma-initiating cell identified (July 1, 2010) -- Scientists have identified a cancer-initiating cell in human melanomas. The finding is significant because the existence of such a cell in the aggressive skin cancer has been a source of debate. It may also explain why current immunotherapies are largely unsuccessful in preventing disease recurrence in human patients. ... > full story
New technique improves efficiency of biofuel production (July 1, 2010) -- Researchers have developed a more efficient technique for producing biofuels from woody plants that significantly reduces the waste that results from conventional biofuel production techniques. The technique is a significant step toward creating a commercially viable new source of biofuels. ... > full story
Ovarian transplantation restores fertility to old mice and also lengthens their lives (July 1, 2010) -- Scientists have discovered that when they transplant ovaries from young mice into aging female mice, not only does the procedure make the mice fertile again, but also it rejuvenates their behavior and increases their lifespan. ... > full story
R Coronae Australis: A cosmic watercolor (July 1, 2010) -- A magnificent view of the region around the star R Coronae Australis was created from images taken with the Wide Field Imager (WFI) at the European Southern Observatory’s La Silla Observatory in Chile. R Coronae Australis lies at the heart of a nearby star-forming region and is surrounded by a delicate bluish reflection nebula embedded in a huge dust cloud. The image reveals surprising new details in this dramatic area of sky. ... > full story
Teenage physical activity reduces risk of cognitive impairment in later life (July 1, 2010) -- Women who are physically active at any point over the life course (teenage, age 30, age 50, late life) have lower risk of cognitive impairment in late-life compared to those who are inactive, but teenage physical activity appears to be most important. ... > full story
Human-made global warming started with ancient hunters (July 1, 2010) -- Even before the dawn of agriculture, people may have caused the planet to warm up, a new study suggests. ... > full story
When food intake stops, enzyme turns off production of fats, cholesterol (July 1, 2010) -- Researchers have found that an enzyme with several important roles in energy metabolism also helps to turn off the body's generation of fats and cholesterol under conditions of fasting. Their report describes how SIRT1, one of a group of enzymes called sirtuins, suppresses the activity of a family of proteins called SREBPs, which control the body's synthesis and handling of fats and cholesterol. ... > full story
Genetic Code 2.0: Novel artificial proteins for industry and science (July 1, 2010) -- The creation of synthetic proteins plays an important role for economy and science. By the integration of artificial amino acids in proteins (genetic code engineering), their already existing qualities can be systematically improved, allowing new biological features to arise. Now, scientists in Germany have succeeded in taking another important step in this research area: For the first time, they were able to integrate three different synthetic amino acids into one protein in a single experiment. ... > full story
Hyperoxia may slow formation of wrinkles; Excess oxygen lessens impact of UVB radiation, study shows (July 1, 2010) -- It's no secret that UVB radiation from the sun causes wrinkles. However, a new study indicates that oxygen may help combat the formation of wrinkles by lessening tissue damage done by UVB rays. ... > full story
Flowering and freezing tolerance linked in wheat, study shows (July 1, 2010) -- New research by wheat geneticists could lead to new strategies for improving freezing tolerance in wheat, which provides more than one-fifth of the calories consumed by people around the world. ... > full story
Anger drives support for wartime presidents, study finds (July 1, 2010) -- It's no secret that Americans tend to throw their support behind a sitting US president when the nation is thrust into a war or other potentially violent conflict with a foreign foe. But new research is the first to show that these "rally effects" represent a collective reaction to a specific human emotion -- anger. ... > full story
Unpeeling atoms and molecules from the inside out (July 1, 2010) -- The first published scientific results from the world's most powerful hard X-ray laser show its unique ability to control the behaviors of individual electrons within simple atoms and molecules by stripping them away, one by one -- in some cases creating hollow atoms. ... > full story
Genetic basis of alopecia areata -- one of most common causes of hair loss (July 1, 2010) -- Researchers have uncovered eight genes that underpin alopecia areata, one of the most common causes of hair loss. Since many of the genes are also implicated in other autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes, this discovery may soon lead to new treatments for the 5.3 million Americans suffering from hair loss caused by alopecia areata. ... > full story
Warmer ecosystems could absorb less atmospheric carbon dioxide (July 1, 2010) -- A predicted rise in global temperature of 4 C by 2100 could lead to a 13 percent reduction in ecosystems' ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, new research suggests. ... > full story
Ongoing pregnancy rates from vitrified eggs as good as those from fresh, study shows (July 1, 2010) -- Embryos derived from oocytes (eggs) cryopreserved by the vitrification method are just as likely to produce an on-going pregnancy as those involving fresh oocytes. These research results will make egg donation both easier and safer in the future. ... > full story
New temperature table may help reduce heat-related deaths of children in closed cars (July 1, 2010) -- A team of researchers has developed an easy-to-use table of vehicle temperature changes that may help public officials and media remind the public about the deadly consequences of vehicle-related hyperthermia in children. ... > full story
Experiencing different cultures enhances creativity (July 1, 2010) -- Creativity can be enhanced by experiencing cultures different from one's own, according to a new study. ... > full story
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